wednesday - october twenty five, two-thousand - 1:28pm



My hubby and I are going to take a roadtrip down to Iowa this weekend to see Nikki and her new baby. And if I can get ahold of Sam in time, we'll swing by Preston on the way and visit him and his girlfriend too. I talked to Nikki on the phone last night, and she sounded so happy - it was really nice. It's been years since I've heard happiness in her voice, for real. I think it may be why I've avoided seeing her for so long... she was so damn depressing. I was trying to figure out the last time I saw her, and I'm pretty sure it was two summers ago when she got married. That's kind of a long time. But, the truth is, going to Iowa isn't all that exciting to me anymore - I don't have any immediate family left there, and Nikki sure as hell never gets her ass up here, where there's actually stuff to do. I've tried to arrange it so that Nikki and Linda (my cuz) can ride up here together, since I know Nikki doesn't like traveling alone - but it never seems to pan out for some reason.
One of my fish is freaking out today. He's got all this bottled up energy for some reason so he's chasing the other two around. It's amazing how fast they can go. I keep expecting him to run into the glass and knock himself out. I haven't told you about my snails lately, have I? They're mutating - but in a good way. I now have albino ones, and a couple with bright orange on their shells. It's very cool. I suppose that comes from inbreeding, but I'm not really all that concerned about brain damage.
Nikki just called to make arrangements for this weekend... and she's asking me about this picture I sent her from the wedding dinner. And she's all "So, who's the guy in the background?" Now, I remember that picture, and if there's anybody in the background, it's only like, an arm or something. The truth is, it's probably Sam - and I feel weird telling her that he was there, when she wasn't. Now I've gone and lied and I feel like a schmuck, cuz I just know she's gonna call me on it. I hate lies - they're never a good thing. I'll torture myself over this until it's out in the open.
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