monday - october twenty three, two-thousand - 9:32am



It has been suggested that some changes might need to be made to my page in order to retain more readership. Apparently, the writers of the world don't particularly like it when I don't use capitol letters. I've been told this before, by more than one person, but I ignored the advice because the artist in me preferred the look. I didn't want to compromise my style for anyone. After careful consideration, I've decided to take the suggestion (obviously) - in order to, hopefully, gain readers.

I would also like to extend an appology for my entry on october 17. I insulted some people in the journal commmunity and, in retrospect I was rather judgemental. I don't like others who judge me (especially inaccurately) and I shouldn't be that was myself. I think a small part of me did it intentionally so see if I'd get a response. It was a bad way to go about it. Sorry.
And now, back to my life... there is a brushfire watch here right now - I can't remember a time when there was ever a brushfire watch. It's weird. Due to the lack of rain, and the dry leaves on the ground, they're warning people to be careful with their cigarette butts, and putting candles in jack-o-lanterns. It's scary. Fires are one thing I definately have a healthy fear of. Can you imagine dying in a frie? Horrible.

Saturday night Grace had a housewarming party. They live in this awesome "house" in one of my favorite areas in St. Paul. I use quotes because it's a house that has been divided into 4 or 6 apartments - but they still have three levels in their apartment alone. It's truly awesome! We both had a really great time. I left wanting to redecorate our place, though. I like our place, it's cozy - but there isn't much unique about the decorating style. Of course, maybe I'm just used to it. Grace had this one thing, for instance... it was a chandeleir that she'd bought on ebay. Way cool. Green with leaves, I don't even know how to really describe it. Just unique in a good way.
I wish i had more money. I could go nuts - it's just hard when you're trying to live on a budget. It makes decoratingba challenge, I guess. When you're done, you're more proud of yourself, that you've had to hunt for bargains, and make something out of almost nothing... but it's hard to get started.

Joe sent some photos of the pumpkin carving party we had at work. here's one of Paul hard at work on his masterpiece... and another of the completed group. Mine's the retarded looking one on the left.
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