friday - october twenty, two thousand - 10:15am



yesterday was a great day... i got to go to a thing called the creative summit at the gutherie in minneapolis. there were several speakers who were mostly well known for commercials they've done - not so much with print work, like i do... but it was interesting , non-the-less. the most interesting guy was the one responsible for those "whaazzup" ads for budweiser - you know the ones... he says he feels partly bad about starting the advertising equivelent of the "macarena". he says the theme has pretty much been saturated, and it may be time to move on - but how the ads came about was really fascinating to  me. apparently, those guys are real life friends (well, all but one of them who needed to be replaced because he didn't want to be a part of it - idiot...) and they made a video that's only a couple of minutes long that caught on in sort of a cult-type way, and accidentally ended up in this guy's hands. they used it thinking it would be a one-time superbowl thing - but it spread like a brushfire, and they couldn't deny it's popularity.
the other speakers were good too - they had the guys responsible for the chuaua in the taco bell commercials (incidently, they got fired in the end because the idiot suits in corporate didn't know a good thing when they had it).... and the guy who did those really weird rice krispie treat ads where they use them for different things like a floating pool friend and as a gripper for the subway handle - his stuuf was strange, but then again, he did live in polland for 3 years...that's bound to fuck with you a little.
we had a gorgeous day so for lunch we walked around the sculpture garden - i haven't looked at that since before i moved up here to the twin cities... it's sad how much great stuff there is here - but because i live here, i never think to do any of  them. only when i was a tourist did i do the cool stuff... i'm going to have to make a conscious effort to change that.

the evening portion of the show was held at the quest - prince's old club. it was a good time too - the catering was awesome. they had miss richfield as our mc - i was expecting this cutsie little barbie doll, and she turned out to be a transvestite - so that was fun. a couple of people from my agency had pieces there so it was fun to see them get recognized. all in all it was just a great time - and i got the day off from work! you can't beat that with a stick!
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