tuesday - october seventeen, two-thousand - 11:06am



some of the journals i read have been talking about this convention type thing they went to in pittsburgh - or was it philadelphia? some "p" city.... it's called journalcon, and i have no idea how all these people knew about it. i felt like i was excluded from the clique, and on the outside of the information. plus, after reading about their experiences there - i feel like all these people already know each other somehow. i don't get it... if i went, i wouldn't know a soul - i'd feel like an outsider, like i'm just an online journaler wannabe. i'm just pretending to have an online journal - i don't know coding, and i use a wysiwyg editor - which in their world is really taboo. after reading some of the things about onlne journaling that i've read in some of the forums, i've realized that this is a really pseudo-elite, snobbish group of people who are rather self-centered - and they don't write a journal for the same reason i do.
it reminds me of when i was in high school in a way - oh well, i guess i'll just keep at it for the reason i started it - sanity!

it's funny - yesterday i realized that i'd jinxed myself by commenting on how content i'd been feeling. as soon as it was out of my mouth my life started challenging me. i guess i'll just need to keep my big yap shut next time things are going smoothly, and maybe it will continue. things are better today, but i'm still weird around my boss because of some stuff that happened yesterday. he's just a freak - i need to remember that, and not take things so seriously.

we had a pumpkin carving party at lunch today - it was a welcome stress-reducer. mine looks kinda drunk - paul's is awesome! definately the best in the bunch. mary's is pretty funny - we didn't have a real big turn-out, only about 7 or 8 people, but we had a great day for it, so we were able to have it outside at the picnic table.
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