thursday - august thirty-one, two thousand - 10:38am





today is my mom's birthday. i'm not sure how old she is.... i think she's 57. i can't ask her, because i'd feel bad that i don't know. i have her high school class ring somewhere at home. if i can find it, then it will say the year she graduated on it. maybe then i can figure it out. although, i don't know if she was 17 or 18 when she graduated, so that probably won't help either. bummer. i should ask my dad, or my brother - one of them will tell me and not tell my mom. i'm a horrible daughter. i tried to call her this morning to wish her a happy birthday, but she wasn't home. that's good... that means shes probably being taken out to lunch by one of her sweet adeline friends. i'd hate to think she was sitting at home alone on her birthday. maybe my dad took the day off and they went to the beach. that's one of my mom's favorite things to do.

paul, joe, mary and i went to the minnesota state fair last night. it was pretty fun. i felt absolutely filthy by the time we got home, though. but, i guess that's just part of the fair. paul and i went on this great ride. mary was too scared to go, and joe is too large to fit in the seats. i thought it was humerous that mary was so frightened of the rides. if you knew her, you'd understand... she's really bold in other ways, so it was unexpected.

we walked around for about 4 hours, i got a horrible blister on the back of my heel. i even came prepared with bandaids. my feet suck. it soesn't matter what shoes i wear, i aways end up  with blisters somewhere.... i don't know how to prevent it. and i'm not one of those stupid women who wears dainty little high heeled sandals to the fair... i had my tennis shoes on, with socks, with preventative bandaids in place before we even left - and two more in my pocket, just in case. oh well, just something i have to deal with, i guess.

i ate everything i wanted to eat - a pronto pup, an ear of corn, cheese curds, and an ice cream cone - plus i had bites of paul's turkey jerky and pork chop on a stick. we had fresh squeezed lemonade, and super yummy root beer. it was a real yum-fest. and my stomach cooperated, for a change. only a minor ache after the turkey jerky, but as long as i kept inserting grease, i was fine!

i couldn't find the bulldozer game that i love - you know, where there are coins and little prizes in front of a bulldozer, and you drop a quarter in to see if you can push goodies off the edge. i guess they got rid of it - nobody's ever playing it when i go to it... i guess i'm the only person left who likes it. the haunted house looked really cool - from the outside. i'm not one for going in those, but i love to stand outside and look in the windows and hear all the scary noises coming out of it. oh, and mary made me go down the big slide on a gunny-sack. it always looked kind of childish to me, but it was pretty fun!

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