wednesday - august thirty, two thousand - 2:46pm





i had such a great night last night. my buddy mary came over and i fixed dinner for us. we've been doing that a lot now, and we both really enjoy it. i made lasagna rollups, parmasan-basil biscuits, and homemade tiramisu. they were all a hit. i've been getting these recipe cards in the mail for the last several weeks, and this is the first time i've used any of them. so far they're batting a thousand.... i'm pleased with the outcomes of those three things. we talked all night and just had a jolly good time. then this morning she wrote me an email that was just so nice. she said that she thinks i have a great insight on relationships, and she really values my advice. it's nice to hear that, since nikki has never taken a shred of my advice, even when she's asked for it. i pretty much just stopped giving it after awhile. i think i just got lucky though, because mary and i are so similair in so many ways, and i'm about two years older than she is - so, i basically just dig into my past experiences and relay the outcomes for her. so far, she says i've been really helpful. it's just nice to know you're really helping someone.

on not such a happy note, though, sam called last night to tell me his nana's got cancer. it sounds really horrible. it's a cyst in her nasal passage.... she's 85 years old and surgery could be risky - plus, it might only prolong her life for 3-4 years. if she doesn't have the surgery, it will continue to grow and eventually reach her brain. at that point, she will only have about 3 months to live. it will probably be painful, and pretty hideous looking. sam says he is pretty sure she will opt not to have surgery... i just hope she can get through it comfortably.

he is still in love - and more so every day. i'm happy for him in that sense, but i guess it's like i've always said - you gotta take the good with the bad.

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