thursday - september fourteen, two thousand - 11:18am

this will be my last entry until next thursday. i'm taking the day off from work tomorrow to get ready for my parents' arrival. my mom is very clean, and i don't want her thinking i live like a pig. we don't live like pigs - but, i'm paranoid that my mom will notice everything i miss, down to the dust on top of the fridge. i'm probably just over-reacting... but it's a good excuse to take a day off from work, anyway.

i will pick them up at the airport tomorrow evening - then on saturday we're going to the renaissance festival, and on saturday evening we're hooking up with paul's folks for dinner in uptown. should be a good time. i'm anxious for my folks and paul's folks to meet.

then sunday is the big day! i get my hair done at 1:00 - we have pictures at 3:30, and the ceremony begins at 5:00. we have dinner afterwards, and then the whole darn thing will be over... and i'll be a wife..... with a husband.... wow.





we're taking off to the north shore for a few days on monday after we drop my mom and dad off at the airport - i'm really psyched about that! it should really be beautiful up there this time of year. that's why i won't be writing in my journal for a week... i won't have access to a computer. just me, paul, a fireplace, and the beautiful lake surrounded by gorgeous changing fall leaves and crisp air. mmmmmm....

okay, i'm back. so everybody wish my luck that i don't trip over my dress, or break a heel on my shoe, or forget my lines or anything.

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