thursday - september twenty-one, two thousand - 11:33am

i'm back! and i am now mrs. paul.... it feels good.

friday i stayed home and got ready for my parents' arrival. we picked them up and i brought them back to our home - they loved it. everybody always loves it. it's a really unique place, built from an old schoolhouse. people never know what to expect when i say that, but when they see it, they love it. it's very warm, with a huge kitchen and a big living space separated by a great big countertop. there's an area with a sunroof and tiles where i have a forest growing next to the deck doors. it's cool.

i made dinner for everybody - which they all said was good, but i thought was horrid. granted, i was sick, so that could've had something to do with why i disliked it. i was sick from thursday through the wedding day.... like, miserably sick. i couldn't sleep, and i had absolutely no appetite - which is weird for me. i had lost 4 pounds the day before the wedding, and i haven't weighed myself since, so it could be more than that by now. i've been gradually getting better since then, thank god.





saturday we skipped the renaissance festival because we didn't think my weak body could handle it - and i wanted so much to be all better for the wedding. so, we just went to lunch, and paul shopped for last minute gifts for his groomsmen... then we all took naps before getting ready for dinner in uptown. lucias was fabulous, as before. the food there is so good, i can't even tell you. even with no appetite, i was able to eat most everything.

my folks and paul's folks got along famously - it was wonderful. i knew they would. i got a lot of comments on my parents while they were here. people generally really like them. one of paul's aunts went on about them, and tyrone must've said three times how great they were. paul's folks said they were releived at how down-to-earth they were. it was a big love-fest.

sunday, sam and his new girlfriend, kit, came over and hung out with us for a couple of hours before the ceremony. i regret that i did not get to spend much time getting to know her. she seemed really outgoing - she brought out a side of sam i never knew existed. he used to be very verbal about how repulsive he found public shows of affection to be - so seeing him participate in such displays was weird, to say the least., i was still not feeling great - but we had a beautiful, sunny day... and my hair turned out so spectacular i couldn't help but be in a good mood... the orchids were small enough that i was able to wear some in my hair - which paul had requested. the photographer was awesome... i can't wait to see the photos. the wedding was very intimate - everyone was able to sit up on the gazeebo with us, so they were all really close. a couple of people commented that it was nice being so close to us while we were reading our vows - they could see the expressions on our faces, and the tears welling up in my eyes.

dinner was nice. people seemed to like the food and the atmosphere. there was plenty of champagne to go around. paul and i figured the total cost of the dinner almost exactly. after we ate, we opened gifts. people were really generous - i was amazed at the gifts we received from paul's parents and his grandparents!! they totally covered all the wedding expenses, and then some. all in all, the whole thing went really well.

one oddity - my brother never even called or emailed. there's something up with him. he might be cutting himself off from me as well, because he thinks i'll tell mommy and daddy about his every screw-up. he's right. i've been the last one to tolerate his drinking... m & d gave up a long time ago - but, then again, they got to see the worst of it (a lot was hidden from me until recently - like how he totaled his van when he was visiting them). it's hard to believe he's willing to cut all ties from his family just to hide his drinking. i'm trying not to think about it too much, or it will be pretty upsetting.

sunday night i slept better than i had in a week. more to come...

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