monday - august fourteen, two thousand - 11:04am





i'm having one of those days where i just feel like everything in my life is going so well. i'm almost euphoric, i feel so good. and i'm not just talking about being in love... i mean, that part feels really good, but it's ALL my relationships that are making me feel so good right now. i'm feeling like i have real, true friends that love me and who will always be there, even if some of them don't live very close. it's a good feeling to be so solid in my relationships. it makes me feel like a grown up. i don't have the need i used to to have LOTS of friends.... just 3 or 4 really good ones is all i really need to be happy. it makes me feel like as i'm going through life changes such as turning 30, getting married to my soulmate, remodeling a condo, having children, buying a home, etc.... that i'll be able to share these happy experiences with these people..............

well, the pessemist in me is saying that by the natural course of life, you are not aloud to feel this happy without consequences. i just got wind that amie was fired this morning. i knew it was coming, but i thought she would be given a week or two's notice.... he told her today would be her last day. and she's not getting any severence pay or anything!.. i think that may be illegal. i hope she looks into it... she's over there packing right now. i feel terrible for her.

on a happier note, my surprise on friday went over really well. i had booked us one of those fatasuites. they had so many cool ones, i couldn't choose, but i finally went with the egyptian pyramid one because paul has always said how much he'd like to see the pyramids someday..... plus it had a waterbed and one of the bigger whirlpools. but, i'd like to go back from time to time and try out some of the other cool ones! i think he enjoyed himself. it got us all relaxed enough for a weekend of hard labor.... on saturday and sunday, we started painting and moving old furniture out to the garage to be picked up by the salvation army. plus, we reorganised his closets to make room for some of my shit. usually i dread moving... but, i'm truely excited this time around.

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