friday - august eleven, two thousand - 1:50pm





i feel horrible.... i just found out a friend of mine from work, amie - (the one i took the clay class with) - is getting fired. she doesn't even know yet..... i think that's what i feel the worst about - that i know before she even does. that's just not right. i know she's unhappy here, and she's already been interviewing elsewhere because she was planning on quitting - but this will put a bit of a rush on things for her. and i know she's not the sort of person to have a savings to fall back on for emergencies.... i remember one time mary asked her to pick up some birthday cards for the agency's monthly birthday party (she'd have been reinbursed), and she couldn't because she didn't have any money - now that's broke! i'm worried for her. i hope she lands something else before it all comes down.

god - this has been a long couple of days! i'm so excited for this weekend. i have that surprise for paul tonight (don't worry, i will divulge all the dirty details (well not *all* the dirty details) on monday) - then we're going to paint the big bedroom on saturday or sunday..... only one more week and i move in! and then we get the new couch delivered. this place is gonna start to look pretty damn good! it will be so nice to live with paul... have all my stuff in one place, always know where i'm gonna sleep! have him right there, all the time.

my cousin, linda, is coming up next friday too. i'm excited to see her. we were gonna try and hit up the renaissance festival again like last year, but she chose the weekend i'm moving to come up, so it isn't gonna work this time - bummer. i'll have to drag paul or mary out there with me sometime. mary has a costume - i'll have to see if she's willing to wear it , and then i'll get one too. i've been wanting to get one for three years now. i'd love to get season passes and go several times each year.... i just think that festival is so fun!!

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