tuesday - september twelve, two thousand - 10:07am





poor mary... she's all confused because she's having these intense dreams about her ex-boyfriend and she's supposed to be committed to her current boyfriend. unfortunately, they both live out of state, so it's kind of hard for her to figure out what's going on in her head. i don't know what her deal is... bf#1 goes to bars constantly, is lazier than a dog, and doesn't giver her the attention she requires.... yet all she can think about is the fact that he likes to dance, and he's got a great bod. she tried to tell bf#2 that bf#1 was trying to contact her, and it was confusing for her, but he told her he didn't want to her to talk to or about him anymore - great communication, huh? i think she needs to just be alone for awhile, and figure out what's up, but i know that'll never happen. she makes me feel like i'm the guru of relationships... i've never had anybody listen so intensely to what i have to say about things. it's really flattering - i just hope i don't give her any bad advice, because she always tends to follow it.

i haven't heard from sam in awhile... i'm concerned about him. the last time we spoke his nana was pretty sick - i'm sure he's just been busy with all that. i'm glad i get to see everybody this weekend. i'm sure it's going to all just zip by in a flash, though.

indie called again yesterday to appologize for not being there for my party. i guess tyrone made her feel like a real jerk...sent her on a guilt trip. i felt kinda bad for her - i mean, it's not like she cut herself on purpose. i guess she had to get 9 stitches. she's feeling like she's bad at her job or something right now - cuz she's always doing that. she's not bad at her job, though... she just needs to slow down. she can be a spaz sometimes. i told her not to sweat it - but, it was nice to hear her concern for somebody else's feelings for a change.

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