monday - september eleven, two thousand - 11:18am





i broke down and inserted the wedding countdown dealie. i figure y'all can handle it for one week.

the party saturday was a blast. mary really went all out. the one disappointment was that indie cut her hand at work and had to get stiches - so she felt too sore or something to go out with us that night - so she flaked. i hate to say it - but she's really been flunking in the friend department lately. i'm beginning to think it would've made more sense to have mary be my maid of honor. i mean, she planned that whole party practically by herself, and she's not even IN the wedding! i did make her my personal attendant though - she's totally responsible and reliable, so i can ask her to do just about anything, and she'll handle it. but, back to the party - we still had so much fun, even without indie. mary made these awesome hors d'eavoures - stuffed mushrooms and these little rollup thingees. we played two games that were okay - pin the heart on the paul - and a questionaire to see how well people knew us. i was surprised at some of the answers people knew!

after the games and a couple of starter drinks - we all piled into my future sister-in-law's car (7 people) and went downtown. she's the pregnant one - so she was sober cab. we did a lot of dancing, and too much drinking, and i took a ton of pictures with my new digital camera. it all ended too soon, but it was such a good time. i crashed at mary's and woke up with the worst headache. but, i'm better now - and it was worth it.

friday night i accompanied mary to a country bar - that was an experience! i'm not much of a country music fan, but it was still interesting. we weren't there for 5 minutes when we were both asked to dance. i had a guy try to show me how to two-step... what a joke! but, i found that guys are much braver in a country bar than i'm used to - after that i got asked to dance several times - but, i declined them all. i felt like i looked like a fool out there! plus, mary's a pro dancer, so she looked great. the nice thing about the men there is that they ask for a dance, and that's really all they want - after that they pretty much leave you alone. mary says it's always like that... so, that was cool. so, i got to see the band whose cd i designed - and he finally gave me the copy he promised as part of my payment.

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