thursday - september eight, two thousand - 11:10am





paul is doing much better - thanks to those of you who expressed your concern. he's on the road to recovery..... still a bit sore, but much, much better than before the surgery. apparently there are a few complications that can arise in 30 - 50% of the cases, so that's the next hurdle to cross. paul is very diligent about following the doctor's instructions, however - so i'm confident he'll be just fine.

the people at work had a shower for us yesterday - it was really nice. we're getting so many nice things... when we registered, i honestly thought we wouldn't receive most of it - but we've already gotten so much, it's unbelievable. people's generosity at this agency never ceases to amaze me.

tomorrow night mary and indie are putting on a shower/staget party for me. i've probably already mentioned it because i'm really pumped for it. i had my practice hairdo on tuesday night (for the wedding) - she actually made my not-even-chin-length hair look like it was put into an updo! i was amazed! she's going to weave little floating pearls through the curls - it should be really neat.

recently, i put in a new link that has pictures of the people i talk about with longer descriptions of everybody. i'm really happy with it... check it out.

well - i guess there isn't too much going on that's exciting... tune in monday to hear staget party details....

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