

Alec Searle

Two young men, one in hospital bed

My name is Alec,
I wanted to create "JuiceBox" to support those that have been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.

The story of my diagnosis started about 2 years ago. I was serving my mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the city of Houston Texas. I had been there for about a year when I started experiencing varying symptoms of type 1 diabetes. These included increased thirst/urination, extreme exhaustion, significant weight loss, and blurred vision.
I continued to convince myself it was nothing, but eventually I was advised to go to an Urgent Care, where my blood sugar was tested and came back and tested so high it couldn't be read. I then went to the ER where my sugars were tested again and came back at over 800, (regular blood sugar floats around 100) and was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Within 24 hours I was on a plane home and began my new journey with a diagnosis that does not have a cure.


Given the unfortunate circumstances of this situation, I feel I have made the most of it, and would like to help others do the same. I have sought to utilize modern technology to give me the best chance at a normal life as possible. However, much of what a type 1 diabetic goes through is not able to be completely controlled by the individual. My purpose is to help others grasp how to live an extrordinary life and seek the joy in what may sometimes seem like an anchor holding them down.