This is my Music blog and More...
Who needs a linktree when you can spend 4 weeks learning HTML/CSS. while sending your friends low quality videos of your computer screen everytime you got something right
This site is for music and art made by myself and people around me. Plus random stuff i think i need to share to this specific audience.
I really appreciate you checking out my site! its still quite in development but keep checking back for new artists and music! or don't... i don't care
if you feel like donating for what ever reason, take an amount of money and duct tape it to the back of your head!
Maeve, Jude and Holden for letting me annoy them with the process. ily dudes ;)
The underpaid overworked Employees At the white castle on Ashland Avenue in Chinatown Chicago Illinois. The absolute amount of bullshit they have to put up with is almost unimaginable. Please keep it up, you're single-handedly holding this wreched world together.