Europe (Aysle Region) Core Earthers
Dwarf Stock Broker
(Transformed from Aysle to Core Earth)
Attribute Template: Willpower
Skill Notes: Tag (Business)
Willpower, 2: Adrenalin, 3: Presence
Special Abilities:
Birth Magic
Membership Card, London Exchange; checkbook from Bank of London
Weapons:(1), General:(5), Incidental:(3)
Starting Money: $5000.00

Description: The people on this world are taller than you and your kind, but that doesn't mean they're better with money.  Besides, you'r getting used to this world.  After the initial invasion, you settled right into selling conjuring futures.
But then things went bad.  Your corporationwent belly-up after somebody flooded the market with fake gold.  Now, you find you can't sit on this sidelines anymore.  You want revenge against the High Lord who did this... Whichever it was. 
Note: Even though you are no longer of the Ayslish reality, you can roll for one birth magic and one arcane knowledge.  They are a contradiction to use, but they're yours.

English Bobby

Attribute Template: Adrenalin
Skill Notes:
Tag (Melee Weapon)
Adrenalin, 2: Willpower, 3: Presence
Special Abilities:
Night Stick, and Whistle
Weapons:(3), General:(4), Incedental:(4)

Starting Money:

You never thought you'd see the likes of it.  Elves, Dwarves, Giants, here in England.  Well, the Queen seems to trust this Ardinay Lady, and that's always been good enough for you.  Now it's time to send these Raiders back where they come from. 
Irish Sea Captain

Attribute Template: Adrenalin
Skill Notes:
Tag (Water Vehicles)
Adreanalin, 2: Willpower, 3: Presance
Special Abilities:
Fishing Boat
Weapons:(2), General:(4), Incidental:(3)
Starting Money:

In all your days at sea, you'd never seen a storm like that one.  Thunder and lightning like never before, and some other things that just couldn't have been real.  Now you and your ship are ready and willing to help out in any way you can. 
Europe (Cyberpapacy Region) Core Earthers
Reformed Magna Vertan Priest
(Transformed from Magna-Verita to Core Earth)
Attribute Template: Presence
Skill Notes: Tag (focus)
Presence, 2: Adrenalin, 3: Willpower
Special Abilities:
Holy Symbol, and Holy book
Weapons:(2), General:(3), Incidental:(3)
Starting Money: $0.00

Description: Your days serving then so-called "Vicar of Christ" ended when Malraux came to this world and began the worship of cyberware.  You wouldn't serve the "Cyberpope," and were branded a heretic.  So you've chosen to fight him by joining the resistance located in Paris and preaching the true faith. 
Note: You must take at least one add in Core Earth Religion.
French Street Philosopher

Attribute Template: Presance
Skill Notes:
Tag (Charm)
Presance, 2: Willpower, 3: Adrenalin
Special Abilities:
Notebook, Pen, Bedroll
Weapons:(1), General:(2), Incedental:(4)

Starting Money:

While you might never had unraveled the mysteries of life, the invasion of the Possibility Raiders has certainly put off the progress you were making.  Maybe they've come fro some divine reason, but that's not your concern anymore.  Right now, you'll try to think of a way to get rid of them. 
Hardened Mercenary

Attribute Template: Adrenalin
Skill Notes:
Tag (Fire Combat)
Adreanalin, 2: Willpower, 3: Presance
Special Abilities:
AK 47 assault rifle,
Weapons:(3), General:(5), Incidental:(4
Starting Money:

After a few years in the military service, your career as a hired mercenary has began to pay hansomely.  You went from one war, to the other, fighting other peoples battles for money.  But then, the war came to you, suddonly, but these "High Lords" made it personal.  You still fight for profit, but only against your enemies... the Invaders. 
Asia (Orrorsh Region) Core Earthers
Modernized Victorian
(Transformed from Orrorsh to Core Earth)
Attribute Template: Presence
Skill Notes: Tag (Taunt)
Presence, 2: Adrenalin, 3: Willpower
Special Abilities:
.375 Desert Eagle, Hunting Coat (Victorian Style)
Weapons:(2), General:(4), Incidental:(4)
Starting Money: $500.00

Description:  You'd always greeted the natives and savages tales of "monsters" and "horrors of the night" with a sneer and a cynical laugh.  But now that you've come to this new land, you see the natives aren't all backward and superstitious.  There are real monsters here and there are weapons to fight them with. 
Muslim Holy Man

Attribute Template: Presance
Skill Notes:
Tag (Faith)
Presance, 2: Adrenalin, 3: Willpower
Special Abilities:
Muslim holy scrolls
Weapons:(1), General:(3), Incedental:(5)

Starting Money:

Just as peace had begun to become a reality, these "Possibility Raiders" came, snatching all chances of peace from your people's grasp.  These "High Lords" are not gods to be worshipped, but heretics to be destroyed.  Surely Allah will help you in fighting these infidels who threaten his followers. 
Asia (Nippon Tech Region) Core Earthers
Core Earth Martial Artist

Attribute Template: Adrenalin
Skill Notes:
Tag (Martial Artist) Akido))
Adreanalin, 2: Willpower, 3: Presance
Special Abilities:
Akido Martial arts style
Equipment: Staff

Weapons:(3), General:(4), Incidental:(3
Starting Money:

Your skills have been Passed
down though the generations of your clan and taught in the family dojos.  Now others who bear similar skills have arrived, bearing allegiance to no clan you have ever heard of.  You found out where they have come from, but not where they have learned your ancient art. 
Note: You have only 11 adds to distribute amont your remaining skills.
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