Templates, Character Profiles, and Pre Generated Characters. 
North America -- East Living Land Core Earthers
Anarchest Freedom Fighter               
Attribute Template: Adrenalin
Skill Notes: Tag (Fire Combat)
1: Adrenalin, 2: Presence, 3: Willpower
Special Abilities: N/A
Equipment: Ingram Mac 10
Weapons(3), General (4), Incidental (3)
Starting Money: $500.00

Description:  A distrust of authority has been your trademark for years.  But now, if it's between an unprincipled government or invaders from another world, you'll stick with the government -- until the invaders are gone that is.
Chemistry Prodigy

Attribute Template: Willpower
Skill Notes: Tag (Science (Chemistry ))
1: Willpower, 2: Presence, 3: Adrenalin
Special Abilities: N/A
Equipment: Chemical Analyses Kit
(See chapter Five of SKGPW)
Weapons (1), General (4), Incidental (4)
Starting Money: $1000.00

Description: Beezing threough high school and college before you knew it, you were employed by the biggest chemical company in hte nation.  But then the Possibility Raiders came, and destoryed everything -- your lab, your family; Everything.  Now it's time to use your talents outside the lab, on the battlefield of the Possiblity Wars. 
Body Builder

Attribute Template:Adrenalin
Skill Notes: Tag (Lifting)
1:Adrenalin, 2: Presence, 3:Willpower
Special Abilities: N/A
Equipment:  Dumb Bells (10 pounds each; Dam Val STR +4/18)
Weapons (2), General (4), Incidental(4)
Starting Money: $2000.00

Description: Your body graced the cover of every body-builder magazine in the free world.  Promotional tours around the globe made your name a household word.  Now you've decided that the High Lords will know who you are as well. 
Figher Fighter

Attribute Template: Adrenalin
Skill Notes: Tag (Melee weapons)
1: Willpower, 2: Adrenalin, 3: Presance
Special Abilities: N/A
Equipment: Fire Axe, Fire Fighters Suit (Armor  Val TOU+3/16)
Weapons:(3),General (4),Incidental (3)
Starting Money: $500.00

Description:  Fighting fires in the City wasn't the easiest job in the world but someone's got to do it.  It's the same with fighting, the High Lords.  Somebody has to do it .. guess who that is...
Wilderness Guide

Attribute Template: Adrenalin
Skill Notes: Tag (Surviaval)
1: Willpower, 2: Adrenalin, 3: Presance
Special Abilities: N/A
Equipment: Survival Kit, Hunting Knife
Weapons (3), General (5), Incidental (2)
Starting Money: $500.00

Description:  Your've spent most of your life in the wilderness, teaching others the art of survival.  Now your talents are needed in a somewhat different way.  You aid those who would take the fight within the primative bounds of the Living Land. 
Nippon Tech/ West Living Land Core Earthers
Rock Star

Attribute Template: Presence
Skill Notes: Tag Skill (charm)
1: Presence, 2: Adrenalin, 3: Willpower
Special Abilities: N/A
Equipment: Guitar (acoustic)
Weapons:(1), General:(3), Incidental:(4)
Starting Money: $50.00

Description: Before the invaders came, you sang of peace and brotherhood, but it seemed no one would listen.  Then, when the wars began, you found that peace had to wait and the only brotherhood was that of the soldier.  Now, armed with your guitar and your belief, you travel around singing of the Storm Knights, the defenders of Earth!!
College Student

Attribute Template: Willpower
Skill Notes:
Tag (Scholor (Earth history))
Willpower, 2: Adrenalin, 3: Presence
Special Abilities:
Sleeping Bag, moped
Weapons: 1, General: 4, Incidental: 4
Starting Money:

Description:  Just one more final exam, then a nice relaxing summer on the beach.  Until the lizards came that is.  Now there's some Japanese company buying businesses like there's no tomarrow.  Unless someone fights the High Lords there might not be a tomarrow.  More than anyone, you know the history you're in danger of losing.  Now you have to fight for it.
Game Designer

Attribute Template: Willpower
Skill Notes:
Scholor (mathematics)
1: Presence, 2: Willpower, 3: Adrenalin
Special Abilities:
Calculater, Digital Watch
Weapons:(2), General:(5), Incidental:(4)
Starting Money:

Always infatuated with numbers, probabilities, and other people's dreams, one day you found yourself living one.  Only now, it's not a game anymore.  Still thinking in your own unique terms, you do your best to fight against the High Lords and restor your own reality to Earth.  Who knows, maybe you'll make a game about it someday. 

Attribute Template: Adrenalin
Skill Notes:
Tag (Fire Combat)
1: Willpower, 2: Adrenalin, 3: Presence
Special Abilities:
Hunting Rifle
Weapons:(3), General:(5), Incidental:(3)
Starting Money:

You never liked it when the strangers trespassed on your land. Now strangers are trespassing all over the world.  Your ranch is just a jungle now, so it's time to take the fight to the trespassers.
Stalenger Techie
(Transformed from Living land to Core Earth)
Attribute Template: Willpower
Skill Notes: Tag Skill(Science(Computers))
1: Willpower, 2: Presence, 3: Adrenalin
Special Abilities: Flight, Tentacles (Dam Val STR +4/17)
Equipment: Laptop computer (specially modified for tenticals)
Weapons:(1), General(3), Incidental(4)
Starting Money: $500.00

Description:  When you came to this world, you saw the joys of flying though new space unrestricted. But then the edeinos High Lord told you it was war. You didn't like that; you wanted to study the "Humans" and figure out why they liked dead things so much.  When you got cought in a reality storm on the edge of the Living land, you found out.  Joining with a group of Humans and leading them threw the mixed zone to safty, you earned there gratitude and trust.  Now, you are facinated by there diversity and there "Technology".
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