Gamer's Guild Epic Tale

A few of us at the Gamer's Guild like to write. Last semester we started the Epic Tale to give us an outlet for our creativity. In this story, each participant continues the story written. At the beginning of every semester, The EPIC TALE book will be passed around. At the end of every semester the story will be posted on here. If you are creative and would like to participate let the president know.


1) Each person who participates is required to write the next page to the story. You could write more than one page if you wish, but the minium is one page.

2) You only get to read the last page written. There might be a few people who have written, but you only get to read the very last page the last person wrote.

3) You can create as many new characters/situations you wish, but you must use a few characters from the previous page.

4) You can take the story anywhere you wish. For example, if the previous page was set underwater, your welcome to make it go out to space, BUT you must write the transition and make it reasonable. You can't just say, "Bob was underwater but he blinked and when he opened his eyes he was in space." There must be more to it.

5) Be as creative as you can, more more creative you are, the better the story is. As such, it will be posted on the internet, so please keep it PG-13. No explicit sex scenes, or unnecessary cursing. If nudity or cursing is necessary for a comedic element, its allowed, but not too graphic please.

Thank you, and I hope you enjoy!

Story 1: Spring '05

This story was written by: Audrey Eshleman, Bryan Confessore, Laurel Pendragon, Kenny Ferrese, and Greg James. Keep in mind, we started only a week or two before the end of the semester. I hope you enjoy!

"Sarge, C'mon!" Fred yelled as the bugs jumped over the barracade.

"Retreat!" Sarge screamed as the 31st battalion headed through the back door. The electronic door slammed shut, but not before the first bug jumped in behind them. Instantly phaser smoke filled air. When the smoke cleared, all that was left of the bug was a melted lower torso.

"Yea, Son!" Griz yelled as he twirled his gun cowboy style.

"Eww Gross!" Trina exlcaimed as she twisted a slimy antennae out of her fur. It wasn't easy being a Frelc.

Frelcs are a ferocious race, met in 2132. They landed on the Earth colony at Mars. They tried to take it over, slaughtering everyone in their path, but then the Ilthelien space navy came in and pacified the Frelcs. Since then, the Frelc joined Interstellar Alliance to fight beside both the Humans and Ilthelien. Frelcs are small cat-like creatures, with fur covering their bodies. The had one huge mouth, with 2 sets of razor-sharp teeth. The Ilthelien are a very intelligent race. They are very tall and unusually thin. They have defensive sharp spikes running down their backs and arms, much like a stegasaurus.

"Guys, their still coming!" Fred squealed as the door dented. *Thump, Thump* He looked around the room then back at the only exit door. "What are we gunna do?!"

"We're gunna do what we always do," said Wayne, "We're gunna disconnect their heads." Then he whipped out his longsword and proceeded to hack through the bugs swarming through the door.

"HEY!" Taylor yelled, "You're supposed to use guns NOT fantasy weapons!"

"You guys are no fun," Wayne stated as he stormed out of the room.

"He does that every week," Bryan complained, "It's getting boring."

"He didn't storm out three weeks ago," Kith said, "he only yelled."

"That's no excuse," Bryan replied.

Just then the door to the room slammed open. Framed in the doorway was a tall, dark and gothic teenage boy in a black trench coat. "Did I miss anything?" He asked in a bored voice.

"Yes, as a matter of fact," Trina replied coyly while swishing her tail, "You missed Sarge popping his pee pouch."

Sure enough, the wet trail down Sarge's leg flowed to a puddle on the floor, and subsequently the musty odor of urine indicated that he had indeed soiled himself. This was not very surprising, considering "Sarge" was a misnomer for the team's pet chibi badger mascot.

Suddenly, the bugs still alive screamed and bent over, reeling in pain.

"That's it!" Taylor proclaimed,"The stench of our bodily excretions must be disrupting their senses!"

Having a head that was three feet in diameter, everyone pretty much took whatever Taylor said for granted, as it was naturally assumed that his entire head and most of his neck and shoulders contained dense brain matter.

"This is SO not my style," Talat scoffed and leaned against the rear wall, finding himself much more interested in a hang-nail.

Thus, everyone commenced with peeing to ward off the bugs, except for Fred, who rolled a critical failure and then suffered a painful kidney stone, which never passed and eventually killed him two weeks later. Still, the bugs were confused, and all were saved... except for Fred.

At least that's what everyone thought (except for Fred, who was in too much pain to think). Wayne, spited by his peers for using swords, found the bugs and made them an offer they couldn't refuse.

"I'll make you an offer you couldn't refuse," Wayne said redundantly. With that, he laid down a barrel of clothes pins in front of the bugs, with which they could resist the smell and strike back with a second wave...

Though this would do the bugs no good. Not known to Wayne, nor any of the others, the bad smell combined with Fred's critical miss, by some fluke the space time collapses their universe in on itself creating a brand new one. A new universe called leamon fresh, and yes all smelled good for the most part.

Now new universes have new rules of existance and thus Captain Bender was born. Captain Bender, being a combination of Trina, Sarge and Taylor. Fred is still dead and Wayne is still Wayne, but he now had long flowing pink hair...

Oh yes, and Talat is a green rock.

Most important, nice smell = no bugs.

"Well This is an improvement, I must smash something... for the good of smashing," proclaimed Captain Bender who picked up the nearest thing to him, which was a green rock. Though Talat was now a green rock that was about to be smashed, green rock Talat could still think...

How to get out of this... thought GRT, Green Rock Talat. With all his rocky brain he thought and thought and just before Captain Bender was to smash him for the good of smashing GRT realized that he could change his mass to whatever he wished.

Thus, growing into a mass to 100,000 lbs, Captain Bender still had no problem holding GRT, and was about to smash GRT. Quick witted GRT changed mass again to 27 mil lbs, which knocked Captain Bender unconscious to the ground.

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