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Musings in Writings

Music, my soul, my gift and my distraction...

I love music. It really stirs my heart, my soul and all. I love to play and listen to music. I am very sensitive to the sound of music. I can sense those strange chords and I can sense it when the key signature of the song changes etc. (I am not pitch perfect though.)

But then one day I realise this gives me a problem. I was supposed to learn to meditate one day and the teacher conducting the course played some CD soft music in the background.

I couldn't concentrate on meditating. My! It was a great battle to fight!

As usual, my mind automatically concentrated on the nice instrumental music instead. I was aware of what instruments were used in the music and I analysed the appreggios on the piano voice. Then sweet vibratos on the guitar voice sent tinging feelings up the back of my neck. I was also aware the strings sounded synthesized rather than played by actual violins.

Sigh... It was nearly hopeless during the session meditation. I guess I can't really meditate with music present. Total Silence would be preferable for meditation for me.

I thank God that I can appreciate the music though. Through music we can serenade to God and express our innermost feelings. It is a great enjoyment. And how music has advanced in centuries! from simple bone percussion music to complex orchestrated music. Music penetrates into the very depths of the soul. Music can also be a window into the soul.

The Beauty and Wonder of Music make me aware of how much God loves us so much to have given us this creation. Deo Gratias for the Music we have!

My Writings

Truth or Love?

What Do People Expect From Christians?

Music, my soul, my gift and my distraction...

The Wedding Vows

My Wedding Music

Musing about the Trinity

Mother Teresa

Is Gambling a Sin?

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