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Musings in Writings

Is Gambling a Sin?

It's the World Cup now and I have friends who bet heavily at nearly every match. Then there is a non-Catholic-Christian friend who said "But Christians are not allowed to bet or gamble at all!"

I thought and disagreed, hm... what's wrong with a little betting if it doesn't get the person addicted or indulgent? I do not like to bet or gamble, but I am always game to join in a mahjong game (Chinese tile game) with wagers if it helps to add excitement and fun to the game for my friends.

This is what the Catechism of the Catholic Church says :
2413. "Games of chance (card games, etc.) or wagers are not in themselves contrary to justice. They become morally unacceptable when they deprive someone of what is necessary to provide for his needs and those of others. The passion for GAMBLING risks becoming an enslavement.

It is okay to treat "wagering" and "games of chance" as games and as a fun as long as there is no intention of "winning money at the losers' expense" and one will not risk indulging in the games or getting addicted to them.

An act itself is not a sin. A sin is committed only when the person's intention is not pure.

The risk of getting addicted cannot be denied. Thus a weak Christian who is not sure if he will be able to withstand the temptation of getting addicted, should avoid playing the games and wagering at all. On the other hand, other mature disciplined Christians should not be deprived of what can be to them, purely harmless pleasures. But the disciplined Christian should also refrain from playing these games in front of his weaker willed friends, else he will be guilty of drawing them into sin.

Wagering, games of chance, like a myriad of many other things can be good in themselves, bringing harmless pleasures, as long as they are not abused. Think of wine, sex, food, computer games, internet chat relay, reading, even work ... all are good, but can enslave causing harm. This is when the person is at risk of sinning, focus is on his addiction, rather than God.

Because wagering, games of chance often involved someone winning money at the loss of another person, thus it is prudent that the player not play in dubiously operated games. Unlawful game operators and cheating take away the goodness of the games. Also all the players in the games should preferably be mature persons understanding the risks of the game and the parting of the money lost should be of own free will.

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Is Gambling a Sin?

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