Al Bhed Script By Yami_Ryou_Bakura & BlkChaos

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How To Use

Al Bhed Grammar

Al Bhed Pronunciation


--Grammar Rules About The Al Bhed Language--

- Proper Nouns (Names of places or people) CANNOT be translated.

- The subject you are talking about, like "Madc ku du dra football stadium (Lets go to the football stadium)" CANNOT be translated.

- Titles of a person, like "King Charlie" CANNOT be translated.

- Exclamation words like "Hurray!" CAN be translated.

- Laughing (Hahaha, Muahaha, etc.) CANNOT be translated.

- Al Bhed, if writing, are CaSe-SeNsEtIvE, just like English.

If you are a slack writer (such as writing "u" instead of "you") there is NO point of you learning Al Bhed. With all these rules, you would give up in 3 minutes.

NOTE: The script doesn't automatically follow these rules for you. If you require to keep something untranslated, go to an empty channel, type it in through "Al Bhed to English", copy and paste the result into your sentence, change it to "English to Al Bhed" and push enter. Sorry for the problem; I will try to make a bot to script this in.

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