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Group Photo
Conference room 1
Michael Q-P

Conference Information

The African Evaluation Conference is further described on our home page.  The agenda and photos are available from this page, as is our song which is shown below.

Photos may take a minute or two to download.  Please be patient.  They are worth the wait.  We have:

Group photo (one minute), 

the main Conference Room in the United Nations in Nairobi (two minutes)

Participants inside the Conference Room (one minute), 

Michael Quinn-Patton who delivered the lecture series "Utilization-Focused Evaluation" (available on this website) (one minute)

Flags that the United Nations flew for the Conference (one minute)

Many thanks to Lawrence for the great photos and the software demonstrations during the Conference.  If you have any photos that you would like to add, send them to us and we will scan them in and return the originals to you.


Michael Quinn-Patton wrote a song for evaluation in Africa which we all sang at the conference.  It is sung to the tune of "Auld Lang Syne".

See associated pages for the Conference agenda and some photos.




Evaluate in Africa

Capacity to grow

Each nation and the continent:

Effectiveness to know


We cannot wait another day

The needs are now so great

We organize so we can say:

Join us – EVALUATE!


From north to south

From east to west

New lessons we shall learn

What works right here in Africa

We’ll all work to discern


And as we mon-i-ter what’s done

We’ll strive not to confuse

We’ve joined the knowledge age to boost




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