Key Documents

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African Guidelines
Evaluation Training


Key Reference Documents on the AfrEA Website


A number of key documents are available for free electronic distribution in Africa, by agreement of the authors.

African Evaluation Guidelines

The "African Evaluation Guidelines" is a working document being jointly prepared by national evaluation associations and networks in Africa.  It is a very useful checklist for anyone preparing to undertake an evaluation or wishing to assess the completeness of an evaluation study.  It is also useful to people negotiating contracts to do an evaluation.  African evaluators are kindly requested to read the guidelines and send in comments either directly to me or through your national associations or networks.

Utilization-Focused Evaluation in Africa

Michael Quinn Patten's "Utilization-Focused Evaluation in Africa", adapted from his best-selling book on evaluation, is our key training text.  Only 42 pages long, it provides a succinct summary of everything anyone needs to know about evaluation - or almost everything!  An estimated 2,000 copies have been distributed in Africa and we have had extremely positive feedback on its usefulness.

African Evaluation Association Bibliography

The African Evaluation Association "Annotated Bibliography" contains reviews of over 100 evaluation studies in Africa and was edited by Kate Ababio Spring and Mahesh Patel.  The reviews were prepared and submitted by evaluators from all over the continent.  The Bibliography will continue to grow as more are sent in.  Authors are welcome to send in summary reviews of their own work to this knowledge bank. 


The UNAIDS "M&E Manual" is included because of the importance of the subject matter.   It is a useful reference text for monitoring the epidemic and HIV/AIDS programmes. (4 minutes)

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