
Glyph of Air

Air Temple

Wednesday 29th November 1995 (9:30pm)

Earth Temple Air Temple Water Temple Fire Temple

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Rob: I see a Jackal headed God within the temple.

Barry: Superimposed in the figure is a kind of cylinder.

Rob: I can�t see what it is.

Barry: It shines with a golden light.

Rob: Its like the swirl of a galaxy, a hole larger in the centre, other times like a cylinder of barbed wire.

Barry: Reminds me of the form we turned into, but a very pure golden light. It changes shape.

Rob: I see more Egyptian figures at the far end. Thoth is holding the scales.

Barry: A Goddess who carries a feather, I don�t know her name. Thoth also carries a large hoop of metal and a sistrum in his hand. He spins the hoop, which rotates slowly . He passes the sistrum in and out of the hoop as it spins. Light forms at the centre of the hoop which expands. I take the hand of the Goddess and pass into the circle.

Rob: I keep getting the name �Ma-at�. Our activities attract interest at many levels and we should be aware of this and of the consequences.

Barry: I am walking in a field of corn. The Goddess walks behind me at my shoulder. We are on a great plain. I can see other figures as well. In front of me is a chasm, the bottom of which I can�t see. A fog is in front of me, and a moving light.

Rob: I can see but I am set back from it. Watching but not participating.

Barry: The Goddess uses the feather, which seems incredibly heavy and made of metal. She draws on my eyes.

Rob: My hearing has jus become more acute. I join you on the plain.

Barry: The fog is a net. Beyond it wisps of something spread out and turn into�can�t describe...crystalline insects.

Rob: High above is a vast flock of birds. They are flying very high. There are other things in the air, butterflies and leaves.

Barry: Some of the creatures merge directly into the plain. They pass through me. I am standing on a mound looking onto the chasm. You seem to fly above. Within a bird. Can you see the chasm?

Rob: I can see into it. The chasm has many things. I can see a sphinx vast and gilded. Then swirling fog obscures it. I can see a Christian crucifix, a swastika and a Jewish candlestick.

Barry: My arms are out, my sides are stretch out in both directions. In one hand I hold the dust of the plain, which seeps out in all directions. In the other I have the feather, which is immensely heavy. I am trying to hold both without toppling into the chasm.

Rob: The feather will be lead or gold.

Barry: The wind blows dirt from my hand, only my will keeps that which I hold within it. I cannot hold too much.

Rob: I think we must jump into the chasm. We can�t plan everything in life. Sometime you must just try it and find out. I leap.

Barry: I step from the side.

Rob: I see a Japanese woman in a kimono. She opens a large fan which shows some trees. Everything, the kimono, the fan and the trees are orange. Her hair is shiny black.

Beyond the trees is a fountain. I step into the fan, by the trees.

Barry: I travelled in a spiral. I am now in a cave with an amphitheatre within. Steps lead to a marble circle. A tall man is within dressed in a purple robe. He is bald. He holds a box of wood.

Rob: On earth we cannot see the wind, just its effects. Some point is being made and I am not grasping it. I have returned to the Air Temple.

Barry: The man opens the box. It has three compartments. Two are empty. One contains wax. The figure puts a ring down the side of the box.

The box will contain three important things in my life. I should only carry three with me and I know what they are. The wax will be put into all three compartments and they will be sealed.

I am back in the Temple.

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