Amity House acts as an information referral centre, open five days a week, working with other agencies and connecting clients to services including legal aid, support groups, housing, family counseling etc.

Swap Shop

Amity House collects clothing and small household donations, and has a ‘swap shop’area where people in need can get these items.

Teaching Tots



Teaching Tots is a licensed preschool program for 0-6 year olds. The program is geared towards low income families, with the goal of providing a high quality preschool enrichment program to ensure that all children start school on equal footing. Most of the children in our Teaching Tots program are children of newcomers to Canada; many are refugees of war torn countries, such as Sudan and Somalia. We believe that Parents are a child's first and best teacher. Therefore we provide a Family Support Worker to work with the parents of children in the program, providing parenting information and support.


Quick Facts:

Studies show that pre-school programs:
•provide immediate imp
rovements in children's intellectual and socio-emotional performance and health
•children show significantly higher high school graduation rates
•significantly higher monthly earnings, higher rates of home ownership, and fewer lifetime arrests
•provide taxpayers a return on investment of $7.16 on the dollar, better than most other public and private investments

Empower Young Children by encouraging them to initiate their own learning activities (active learning encourages children to solve their everyday intellectual, social, and physical problems and to assume a measure of control over their environment)



A survey conducted in 2005, part of the HOMES project with FCSS, indicated that 14 out of 20 participants visited Amity House more than 11 times in a 3 month period, participating in an average of 6 activities. Of those surveyed, 65% reported an increase in self-reliance.


Collective Kitchens & Community Lunch

We offer the collective kitchens program, one of our longest running and most successful programs. Collective Kitchens brings people together in groups to plan meals and cook in bulk to save money and time.

Amity House offers a free nutritious lunch to the community 2 times per month, with the goal of building community.


Job Search Assistance

We can help prepare resumes, provide information about employment opportunities, fax your resume to employers, and provide referrals for clothing for job interviews.



Amity House employs a full time Outreach Worker. Our Outreach Worker is a Registered Social Worker, who can assist people in need and connect people to resources.


Early Childhood Services

We offer workshops, activities and programs for parents of preschool children.


Support Groups

We run various support groups which change as needs arise. Some of the groups we run are Anger Management for Women and How to Talk so Kids Will Listen. See our newsletter or contact us for information on current programs.


Programs offered at Amity attempt to fill the recreational, educational, and social needs as they exist in the community. It should also be mentioned that while Amity serves a mandated area, the Centre is open to all residents of the City.


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