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IMPORTANT NOTICE:The links/addresses in brackets quoted in this list were this site's former URL at and have been revised to suit the new URL.

===== M O D E R A T O R' S   C O M M E N T S =====

Welcome! This is the maiden issue of the Philippine Philatelic Issues Digest. I have collated all previous e-mails to me and respective responses, regarding the state of philately in the Philippines, my web site at GeoCities and other things.

If you have received this mailing, you are part of the beta group, a privileged few, which I have randomly chosen from the list of my contacts who would likely want to be part of this discussion list. There is no obligation on your part, but you must signify to receive future issues. Otherwise, you shall NOT receive succeeding issues.

For the time being, this PPI Digest would be issued on a quarterly basis. It would truly depend on the number of subscribers as well as the number of posts. As these factors escalate, the frequency of issuance shall also be modified to suit the need.

===== N E W   T O P I C =====

From: Lito B. Armero [[email protected]]
Subject: philatelic collector

Dear Mr. Ayre
I am one of those you love to collect stamps worldwide and presently working in Bicol Infonet System, Inc. here in Legazpi City. This is an Internet Service Provider here in Legazpi and the pioneer one.

I would like to know if you can help me about my stamps collections here. I am looking for the stamps of Pope John Paul II in all events of his life and I am taking a chance that you have it there please let me know by email and I am very much willing to have them as my collections. Please drop me email at [email protected] or [email protected].

Thank you very much and more power to you!

Leny Arimado

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