Rubik's Magic II

Solving the Unlinked Side

Ordinary Triple-Arc Tile
Ordinary Triple-Arc Tile
Special Triple-Arc Tile

Before performing this solution, you must first form the puzzle in the 6x2 rectangular shape. I am not going to supply that kind of info; I just don't have that kind of cyber-space. You must also recognize which side is the Unlinked Side, but that part's easy. There are three Triple-Arc Tiles, and they happen to be on the Unlinked Side.

1: Get the Special Triple-Arc Tile off the Middle Section


Even though the diagrams show the tile starting and landing on particular spots, use the moves below if the Special Triple-Arc Tile appears in any of the 8 squares in the middle scetion. But first, make sure that you are working on the side with corded corners, which may not necessarily be the Linked Side. After finishing the moves, you may have to flip the puzzle over to view your progress on the Linked Side. Of course, if the Special Triple-Arc Tile is already on a corner to begin with, then skip these instructions.




Note: You may have to repeat this series twice before the Special Triple-Arc Tile lands on a corner. Always make sure you start off by working on the side with corded corners before doing the series, and before repeating the series.

2: Move the Special triple-Arc Tile to the Correct Corner


The correct spot for the Special Triple-Arc Tile is the lower-left corner. If it appears on the right side instead, merely rotate the entire puzzle 180 degrees, and the Special Triple-Arc Tile will then be on the left side. If it appears on the upper-left corner, use the moves below to shift it to it's correct spot. Once again, make sure you are working on the side with corded corners (which may not necessarily be the Unlinked Side).






3: Swap the Other Tiles in Place

How can you tell if you need to swap the other tiles, anyway? Well, there are three tiles that have text on them; one with the company logo, one with copywrite info, and the other with Erno Rubik's signature (not to be confused with THE "Signature Tile" on the other side). If two of those tiles (shaded gray in the diagrams below) are on the bottom row, then one of them must be moved up to the upper row. If all three of these tiles are already in place, then skip this step.

Tiles with text at
the wrong location
Tiles with text at
the correct location

In this case, you must work on the Linked Side, regardless of the cord patterns. Because of that, there are two sequences below; but you can only use one of them, not both. If the Linked Side side has corded corners, then do the first sequence only; if it does not, then do the second sequence instead.

Corners WITH cords:




Corners WITHOUT cords:




4: Rotate all Tiles in Place

By now, all tiles on the Unlinked Side should now be in place. However, the Special Triple-Arc Tile must be rotated until it looks like the diagram above. Once that tile is rotated correctly in place, the remaining 11 tiles are also fixed as well (including the Ordinary Triple-Arc Tiles). You may have to repeat this series of moves three times to accomplish this. Always make sure you start off by working on the side with corded corners before doing the series, and before repeating the series.







What does this sequence do? It rotates 6 tiles clockwise, and the other 6 counter-clockwise. If you have to repeat this sequence, you may have to flip the puzzle over (between repeats) to check on your progress.

5: Final Transformation & Solve the Puzzle


At this point do not worry about corners with or without cords. By coincedence, the Unlinked Side happens to have corners without cords at this stage anyway. The tiles may look very scrambled for now, but after the final transformation the puzzle is solved!



...followed by these moves:









@ Introduction @ Solving the Linked Side
@ Solving the Unlinked Side @ Other Solutions

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