Rob's Amazing Vending Machine Simulator

Vending Machine Screenshot

The above screenshot isn't very good, but you get the general idea!

The vending machine program has the following features:

This program was done as a first year project on my degree course. We were just given the specification and asked to get on with it. The scrolling LCD display was a result of one of my more ambitious moods, when I though that it would be a nice idea to do and then decided I was going to do it - no matter how hard it was - this resulted in me working very late some nights, but it was worth the effort. (Or at least I think so.) One day I might convert it into a C++ class that I will put on these pages.

You can download the 50K file VEND10.ZIP which contains the program and documentation. Anyone interested in the source code can email me and I'll see what I can do.


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