Everything You Wanted to Know About Ignition Timing, but Were Afraid to Ask
By Ira Schwartz

This is an article on ignition timing that is long and technical.  It came about after an online conversation with Tom Brooks last year.  The article will not have universal appeal but it may be enlightening to some.

Last year Tom Brooks went to a Miata event in California and while there he had the opportunity to have Ms.  Merlot put on a dynamometer.  The high speed dyno test introduced some pinging and the report indicated this might result in a loss of power.  This lead to a discussion with me about ignition timing, pre ignition, and other things that affect combustion, such as heat and related matters.  I wrote the following treatise for Tom which he suggested would make interesting reading for some Miata club members.

Let me start with some basics.  If the burning of gas/air in the engine's combustion chamber took place instantly, it would be appropriate to ignite it, with the spark plug, at the very end of the compression stroke when the piston reaches the top of the cylinder - Top Dead Center (TDC).  That would provide instantaneous pressure on the top of the piston and push it down and turn the crankshaft on the power stroke.  However, in relation to the rapid movement of the piston, the burning actually takes a measurable amount of time.  Consequently the ignition point is started early by firing the spark plug while the piston is still on its way up to TDC on the compression stroke.  This allows the time needed for the gases to reach their maximum burning point, and therefore, greatest pressure, just when the piston is going down on the power stroke.  So the plug fires before - in advance of -  reaching TDC or Before Top Dead Center (BTDC).

Timing could be measured by the linear distance that the piston is BTDC, when the plug fires, but it's not.  The measurement used is the amount of rotation of the crankshaft, in degrees, before the piston reaches TDC.  In the case of the Miata, the stock setting is 10 degrees BTDC.  This means that as the crankshaft is turning, it has 10 degrees more to turn before the piston reaches TDC when the plug fires.  Fourteen (14) degrees BTDC means that the spark is firing the mixture earlier - even more in advance of the piston reaching TDC.  As the engine's RPM increases, the timing must advance - occur even earlier in the cycle - because the piston is now moving faster but the TIME required to reach maximum burning and pressure is essentially the same.  So we start the burning earlier in the cycle to allow the same amount of TIME to reach maximum combustion pressure just as the piston is ready to go down on the power stroke.  In addition to RPM, several other factors determine how much BTDC  the plug must fire in the cycle while the engine is running.  These factors affect the burning rate of the fuel - how long it takes to reach maximum pressure.

1.  Compression Ratio - This term refers to the mathematical relationship between the volume of the cylinder plus the combustion chamber, compared to the volume of the combustion chamber alone.  On the intake stroke, the piston moves to the bottom of the cylinder and the entire cylinder and combustion chamber (space in the cylinder above the piston) fill with air and gas.  When the piston is at the top of its stroke on compression, all the gas and air are squeezed into the combustion chamber.  The ratio of the volume of uncompressed air/gas to compressed air/gas is the compression ratio.  The higher the compression ratio the greater the internal engine pressure as the piston reaches the top of its compression stroke.  Higher compression creates greater heat of the air fuel mixture and therefore it burns faster.  So, under these circumstances timing must be retarded - the spark must ignite the gas closer to TDC or the maximum pressure - power - will occur too soon.  It should be understood that the compression ratio is a function of engine design and, therefore, is not variable. 

  2.  Fuel Octane - Oddly as it may seem, low octane gas burns faster than high octane.  Since it reaches maximum combustion pressure faster, the burning of the fuel can be started (spark plug ignition) closer to TDC.  The timing should be retarded - delayed until the piston is higher in the cylinder.  Conversely higher octane fuel, because it burns slower, requires more advance.  Also, if the engine timing is set with more advance, as many Miata owners do, it may require high octane fuel to permit the slower burning to take place.

3.  Altitude - Due to thinner air at high elevations the combustion pressures are lower because the engine is drawing in less air on each intake stroke.  If the pressure is lower there is less heat.  Less heat equals slower burning.  Slower burning requires greater advance.  More time to let the gases get to max pressure.  This is why at high elevations low octane gas is 85 or 86-octane.  Travel to the coast or below four or five thousand feet and low octane gas is rated 87-octane.  The lower octane, used at high elevations burns a little faster and compensates for the lower pressures and lower heat and slower burning that takes place at higher altitudes.  Some vehicles have altitude compensation which automatically adjusts the fuel mixture and spark timing.  More on this later.

4.  Ambient Air Temperature - Higher ambient air temperature causes the air fuel mixture to be hotter even before it gets compressed.  The result is higher heat leading to faster burning.  This requires that the burning be started closer to TDC - retarded - because it takes less time to reach max pressure.  However, to complicate matters, hotter air is less dense, consequently it burns slower.  So we have two factors here that affect what the optimal timing should be.

5.  The weight of your accelerator foot - As you press down on the go-pedal the throttle opens and more air and gas are admitted into the cylinder and combustion chamber.  This increases pressure and consequently increases heat and faster burning.  So the timing must retard, fire the plug closer to TDC.

Any factor that causes the gas to burn faster must be compensated for by retarding the timing - delaying the spark plug firing.  That is, starting the burning later in the cycle - closer to TDC.  The reason is that MAXIMUM burning is now occurring sooner because it's faster.  If the timing is too advanced, burning too early, it would try to force the crankshaft and piston back the opposite way they were going.  As you can imagine, this puts tremendous pressure on the piston head, rods and crankshaft.  The pinging or knocking that you hear is this pressure taking place in the cylinder, trying to turn the crankshaft backwards, and it can cause serious damage as well as a loss of power.

Of course the reverse is true also.  Any factor that causes the gas to burn slower must me compensated by for by starting the burning earlier to give it time to reach max pressure.  This means advanced timing.  If the timing is too far retarded, that is taking place too late in the cycle, max pressure takes place as the piston is part way down the cylinder on the power stroke causing a loss of power.

In older cars the ignition timing was set at idle and there were only one or two automatic timing compensations for varying needs.  Timing was changed relative to RPM and how hard you were trying to accelerate.  Higher RPM required advanced timing and heavier acceleration required retarded timing because of higher cylinder pressures and faster burning.

Modern cars use fuel injection and on board computers to monitor the factors that affect ignition timing and cause it to change.  There are numerous sensors on the car measuring air temperature, throttle position, RPM, engine temperature, altitude and even if the engine is pinging.  If the computer senses that there is a ping caused by the timing being advanced too much, or because the gas you are using is of too low an octane, it causes the timing to automatically retard.  Older Miatas did not have this knock or ping sensor.  So if you set the timing too far advanced or use too low octane fuel your ear will tell you, if you were sensitive to these sounds. 

Newer Miatas have more sophisticated computers and if you choose too low an octane fuel or set the timing too far advanced the engine will automatically compensate by retarding the timing and you'll never know.  This protects your engine from the possible damage of pinging but it also robs you of some power.  Most true blue (or red) Miata aficionados, who are technically inclined, prefer the older cars, in this respect, because their ears tell them what is going on and they can set the timing the way they like.

This is probably more than you ever wanted to know about ignition timing.  But, if you got this far, I hope you have a better understanding of what is happening and what some of the factors are that influence the need for timing variations.

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