Miata Haiku, Mostly

Miata Haiku - Barbara Washington

My Miata takes me
to mountains and range and desert:


Yugo Haiku - Andy Wilson

My Yugo, My Sadness, Bad Brakes.
Empty mountain road.
Driving off cliff.

Miata Haiku - Charles Washington

My Miata, My Love, Big sky.
Empty mountain road.
Passion abounds.

Fast run with Miata;
Ended by cop with radar.
Detector left home.

Miata Haiku - Elaine Weisman

Green, golden yellow with brown,
Cobalt blue canopy.
Sunflower highway.

Watercolor skyscape of clouds,
Continuous curves.
Miata run.

Edd's Haiku

Received your invitation to participate in the Miata Haiku poetry contest.  Perhaps we are talking about the same but according to my source Kautak I was led to believe that Haiku originated as a Medieval 14th Century game played by Eastern European Knights to while away the evening before entering into battle at daybreak the following morning and I also believe that the original sequence was comprised of five unrhymed lines of three, five, seven, five, and three syllables.  If this is the same as Haiku, please advise.  Edd

(Not the same, but you have a good imagination. Ed.)

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