The Viking King is the undisputed leader of the Viking Horde. His main duties in the Horde are to oversee the general welfare and training of every member. His own personal troops, The Rangers, were compiled of the best troops from each of the four factions of the Horde, Dragons, Mages, Beserkers, and Humans. However, after their destruction, he added the Knights to his Horde. His main goal for the Viking Horde is to conquer the planet known as Earth, and succeed in bringing back honor, unifaction, and patriotism to a world riped in chaos.

The Viking King was born Brook Wartooth near Bergen, Norway in 1036 A.D., he rose to power by defeating the leader of the Gulbransen Clan in one-on-one combat in 1052 A.D.. It was then that he crowned himself the Viking King and began to assemble the Unholy Norwegian Army by defeating verious neighboring clan leader, adding their troops to his own. Also during this time, he met a being known only as the Goddess. Possesing strange powers that he did not comprehend, the Goddess blessed and protected him throughout the years.

In 1054 A.D., he took his Army of warriors on a series of raids in England, in search of the fabled Dragons. Legend told that the last of thier kind was tricked and enslaved by a cruel king in the heart England herself. During these treks, he discovered the hiding place of the last of the Celtic Mages. After defeating their leader, The Dark Mage Angie, in a test of wits, the Mages swore allegance to the Viking King. In order to keep the troops in order, he created the Viking Horde, allowing one of each group to lead the individual factions of the Horde.

With the help of the Mages, the Viking King found the last few Orcs in Scotland. In 1055 A.D., they transformed them into larger, more powerful Beserkers. Soon after, the Viking King found the Kingdom of the Dragons. All that was left were Fire and Ice Dragons. The third type of dragon, water, had been destroyed by the Evil King. After challanging and defeating the Evil King in battle, the Viking King freed the enslaved Dragons and gave them a choice; Go into the world free and end up hunted by man again, or join the Horde and be protected. The Dragons all swore a blood oath to defend the Viking King and his Horde to the last. This is also when the future Viking Princess was found. The daughter of the Evil King, he didn't want to just send her into the world without anything now that her kingdom was property of The Viking Horde. So, he took her as his own and crowned her The Viking Princess in early 1056 A.D..

As the years went on, the Viking King carved a path of destruction throughout most of Europe and Asia. The entire time, he increased the power and numbers of the Horde. In the year 1066 A.D., neighboring Viking forces asked the Viking King to assist them in a massive raid on England. Against the advice of the Royal Family and his Generals, he personally took charge of the forces in the first charge. Leading the battle cry, his band of troops succeeded in defeating several battalions of defenders. Suddenly, the Goddess appeared from the smoke of battle. Distracting the Viking King, she chose at this time to steal his power, wounding him severely. Although he fought on against a growing enemy army, his troops were forced to retreat. While in retreat, the enemy counterattacked and wiped out the rest of his men, including the Viking King himself.

After his funeral, the Viking Horde hunted down and destroyed the Goddess for her treachery, releasing the stolen power of the Viking King. However, since he had already passed on, the Mages sent the entire Viking Horde into a deep sleep, awaiting the time when the Viking King may come again...

In 1980 the Viking King was reborn in Chicago, IL, USA. After the Dark Mage Angie brought the Viking Horde out of stasis, the Viking King regained his memory of his past life in 1996 when the Viking Queen Samantha found him. After that the Viking Horde came out of hiding and began training for the coming of the Evil One. In 1999, he made his move.

In one bold move, the Evil King Lothek returned with a new army of Immortal Lizard creatures and attacked the Viking Queen while she was on manuevers with the Beserker Destroyers and the Rangers. After this, the Viking King's queen dissapeared, and is pressumed dead. The Viking King will soon show the new Horde, with the unvailing of his new forces in addition to the current ones.

The worst fears of the Horde were realized soon after, when The Viking Queen was found dead. A new queen, Alena the Red, was crowned, and The Lady Kristen was added as Commander of the Knights of The Realm. However, due to recent events, it is at this time that The Viking King is getting more and more evil overtones to his actions. Is it possible that The Viking King, defender of the opressed is becoming a force of darkness? Only time shall tell.


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