“Man is the measure of all things.” Protagoras of Abdera (c. 480-411 BC)

The Secular Humanistic Ideal, the Humanistic Model or Philosophy of Secular Humanism is not new. It essentially means man (and woman) as Autonomous, as the "Center of all things and the Universe". Today, it serves as a fully functioning "secular religion" at schools and major universties. Let us define it, and take a look at it historically right up to our own day.


There are several variations of "Secular" Humanism, both within and without the Assemblies of Yeshua (Jesus). Within these variations, there is no True Spiritual Authority represented by the Gift of Male Pastor-Teacher. True Spiritual Authority is usurped and some form of Humanistic authority (or "unisex") is substituted. In all of these systems unregenerate man uses a system of "human reason" and human will is exalted as supreme.

The altered variation of Humanism called CHRISTIAN HUMANISM has also found its way into the Assemblies.

Today, taken as "Secular" Humanist philosophy, the phrases "everything is relative" [1] and "there are no absolutes" are two that are usually foremost. The statement "there are no absolutes" immediately denies the Creator AS Absolute. Man is therefore left with an impersonal "relativistic" universe that is neutral and silent concerning Right and wrong OR Good and evil. A relativistic universe is silent on these issues. At this point, man places himself in charge.


Humanistic man first attempts to "create" an area where G-d is "excluded", and that he calls "secular". This is done in his own imagination, and others are encouraged to believe this has actually happened. As Van Til correctly pointed out, however, man is always working with "borrowed capital" because G-d has actually Created everything Humanistic man uses. Man is not truly automomous as he imagines. This becomes the first self-deception. If the individual believes this (that there exists a "secular" area in space and time), then he is primed to receive other distortions.[2]

By inventing his own "imaginary area", this then conveniently seems to place Humanistic man "in charge of his own destiny", and whatever he\she chooses to call "good" or "evil" is based upon some "code of ethics", twisting of Scripture, "feelings", "popularity", "herd instinct" or however he\she may choose to interpret things "rationally", "statistically" or "scientifically" at any given point in time. This can lead to variable "Sociological Law" which may change from "expert opinion" to "expert opinion", "psychological theory" to psychological theory", poll to poll, "statistical analysis" to "statistical analysis". Humanists sometimes refer to this as "the marriage of science and law".


We first find the Temptation to Secular Humanism in the Garden of Eden in Genesis. The devil told Eve, "You shall not surely die", and "ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil" Genesis 3:4,5.[3] This is man\woman first desiring to become Autonomous. This is the original Temptation to act independently apart from G-d hoping to secure "independent godhood" apart from the True G-d and His Absolutes even by using his own will in Innocence which still didn't work. Becoming the "Center" of their own little "independent universes" (as "god and goddess" as it were, apart from G-d), and man developing their own "absolutes" based on whatever man might Romantically think should be the "absolute". This is "Original Sin". It seems to begin well, but always fails in the final analysis. Mankinds' "absolutes" become Arbitrary at some point in time because of Change.

What then is the lesson of Genesis and the Fall of Adam? Simply put, G-d showed dramatically that Adam, excersizing his autonomous will in INNOCENCE could NOT secure Salvation for himself! Rather, just the OPPOSITE happened! Man secured his own ruination! How much LESS therefore, can autonomous man, having a FALLEN WILL EVER secure Salvation for himself AFTER the Fall!


In the ancient world, to conquer the civilized world became foremost in some peoples' minds. To accomplish such a feat, Humanistic man had to be exalted by a "system" that declared his superiority, and "right to rule". We will begin with the Greeks, since they were the first to do so under Alexander the Great. As Alexander conquered, the Greek Humanistic culture and religion was brought in right with the Greek language wherever they went. Certain distinct identifying characteristics could be seen.


We see in Greek culture and before, the rise of man himself as an object of worship. Greek culture worshipped the "human ideal" of man and woman, physically. This can be seen in their art. Even idols were formed for this purpose. It was also seen in their "Gymnasiums" where they openly displayed and admired the human torso, while the participants ardently strove to be compared to "the gods".

Greek culture for the upper classes had two basic aspects to become "god-like"; attempting to secure their Autonomy from G-d: "on their own".

* The Mental or Intellectual Aspect *

Schooling in Literature, The Arts, Philosophy, Logic, Debate, Mathematics (Algebra and Geometry), Government and Religion (Learning about the Greek Pantheon), Military Leadership.

* The Physical Aspect *

Training in the Gymnasiums with attention to their "Olympiad". Throwing the javelin, the discus, foot races, various feats of strength.

Concentration on these two aspects, the Mental and Physical, were designed to produce an upper-class "god-like" Greek Citizen of the Greek City-State.


The Romans continued and modified the Greek concept of "man as god" even more efficiently. They kept the Greek Pantheon, but gave the "gods" Latin names. Caesar was "god on earth" and worshipped as such. Not doing so was considered Treason against the Roman State. Rome didn't care what religion you followed, as long as their "Humanistic Absolute" was exalted: "Caesar est Kurios": Caesar is L-rd. The Caesars were worshipped as gods on earth. Emperor worship was mandatory.

Earlier, unregenerate man had gone so far in attempting to become Autonomous, that Antiochus Ephinanes as head of the Graeco-Syrian army, desecrated the Holy Temple at Jerusalem. In his three-year occupation of Jerusalem, he also forbad the Jewish people from Observance of the Torah, and circumcising their male children.

When the Romans conquered Jerusalem later, they placed a bust of Caesar in the Holy Temple. This was not just done once but several times even after 70 A.D. and more than one statue of a Caesar was erected where the Temple once stood. Humanism is the "abomination that maketh desolate"; man as the Center of the Universe, Autonomous: the Anti-Christ. The revealing of "the man of sin".

At the close of the First Century A.D., the Roman Emperor Domitian had put into law, that all Roman citizens refer to him as "L-rd and G-d". This was Humanistic mans' ultimate attempt at full Autonomy, making himself the "Divine Absolute", in its' most rabid form.

The Grace of G-d vs. Humanistic Man

G-ds' Grace has no Humanistic elements within it. Man is completely Fallen and without remedy within himself as a result of Adams' sin, and he can produce no Righteousness that G-d will accept. (Isaiah 64:6). Mankind is fallen and in an unregenerate state and this includes mans' intellect as well as his will. He possesses no Divine ability whatsoever to Save himself. [4]

The L-RD Provides a Way for all of His Elect Whom He Has Chosen, and none of them will be lost [5]. That Way is the GOSPEL Man brings nothing of himself to the Cross, no Humanistic elements, for before Salvation, we are all "dead in trespasses and sins." Ephesians 2:1. [6]

Also after Salvation, no Humanistic elements are found within G-ds' Grace Plan for the Believer. Philippians 2:13. No one can "work" for their Salvation, or their Sanctification. Faith alone Saves and is G-ds' Modus operandi within man.

...the Just shall live by Faith. Habakkuk 2:4

END OF PART ONE. PART TWO NEXT: The Late Fall of Humanism


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[1] In Einsteins' Theory of Relativity, where the term "everything is relative" originates, nothing could be LESS relative than that which is preceisely expressed in the formula E=mc2. Einstein himself said, "G-d does not play dice with the universe".

[2]The "secular" could more accurately be called "the fallen world" which became corrupted and is where sins reigns.

[3] Notice the promise of satan was to both the man and woman equally. At the Fall they became as "co-equal gods" or "gods" and "goddesses". Throughout history, false religions continually have given these titles to each. In their view, mankind is "basically good" denying that mankind is Completely Fallen, in sin, and without remedy apart from Yeshua.

The original Order of G-d was Eve as "an Helpmeet" for Adam. She was not in "subjugation" but a willing Helpmeet in Innocence. The Fall changed that. Only Yeshua Restores the Order with the potential to Restore G-ds' Blessing once more. This is what the Humanistic Ideal even in all its' Romanticism can never do. There remains in Humanistic Romanticism an underlying (and often not very well concealed) "tension" in this area.

[4] Unregenerate man has no Divine Faith residing within him. It is a Gift of G-d. (Ephesians 2:8,9) "for all men have not Faith", that is, Divine Faith (II Thessalonians 3:2). Also there is no good in "the flesh", even after Salvation. (Romans 7:18). The Elect Believers' only Sources of Good Reside in G-d and are Given by Grace, the Divine Gifts of G-d, beginning with the Gift of Faith.

[5] II Corinthians 4:3

[6] Matthew 11:25

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