A variation of Secular Humanism has entered the Churches. What does it teach? How can we recognize it?

First we must look at Secular Humanism.

The hallmark of Secular Humanism is:

"There are no Absolutes."

Secular Humanism questions everything that has been previously considered as an Absolute. G-d, the Bible, or any religious authority in general. They do have "Absolutes" however.

Theirs are what is know as "Arbitrary Absolutes". Their Arbitrary Absolutes are their own reasoning abilities, Science, Psychology and whatever "variable sociological law" they can produce that fits a situation. Because these things do change, theory to theory, their Hallmark of "no Absolute" retains a certain continuity in their thought processes.

The purpose is to place unregenerate man conveniently "on the throne", as "master of his own destiny" and a self-generated arbitrary authority. He is "Free".


The religious application of the Secular Humanistic maxim that "There are no Absolutes" has had telling effect on the Doctirnes of many "churches" as well. They have decided that the previous Doctrines held by the early Church fathers, their Rulings and writings are not necessarily any Standard to go by any more at all; their teachings can be ignored wholesale because they are "not for today". Some believe they are not bound by any Doctrine or Any Law whatsoever!

This places the mosdern Christian Humanist man on his "new throne".


Ever since the Garden of Eden, proud man has wanted to be "on the throne"; autonomous. Using Secular Humanism has been unregenerate mans' way to try to accomplish this in the most efficient manner possible. It always fails in the final analysis, but unregenerate man keeps trying to be "autonomous": without any bounds. This he calls "Freedom".

Now let us look at Christian Humanism.


Since ther majority of secular educational institutions teach Humanism ("there are no Absolutes") todays' students are bombarded with this philosophical idea. It took some time, but it has crept into the Assemblies; slowly but surely. In the Assemblies it is obviously not Secular Humanism; it could instead be accurately called a variation: "Christian Humanism". What does it teach?

Once again, following Secular Humanism it begins to cautiously put forward by partially applying Humanist philosophy (based on false teaching), that

"there are no Absolutes".

These ones say they "have Absolutes": G-d, Jesus Christ, the Bible, but they begin to interpret these things using their own arbitrary reasonings, rejecting what has been previously considered as Absolutes in Church History as mere "doctrines of men" and substitutes instead such things as Psychology ("feelings") and Sociological studies as the Secular Humanist does. These are then either inserted subtly in reasonings or cleverly couched "Biblical terms".

By saying they "accept the Bible", they attempt to outwardly assure people they are acceptable "genuine Christians", but when it comes to interpreting the Word of G-d, they avoid Church History, and also encourage others to do the same. To acknowledge the authority of Church History would make them less autonomous. This they cannot permit.

Subtly, this then places "autonomous man" in charge again to determine what his "Absolutes" might be at any given point. He believes he is "Free" from all the past and has achieved "liberation".

They claim to have their "Absolutes" but refuse to acknowledge past accepted Biblical interpretations as any sort of Absolute.

With no genuine historical Absolutes functioning as a base, therefore we may hear such things as:

"Do not judge."

Since everything has become variable and arbitrary (by REJECTING the past) they make a leap into non-reason and say no one can Judge but Jesus or G-d alone. Not us. They also imply that Yeshua never Judged at all. All this in spite of the fact that He drove the moneychangers out of the Temple.

Next, they must get all previous Historical Biblical Interpretation out of the way, and so they say:

"We don't have any Doctrine we just believe the Bible."

This, of course is an illusion. No one comes to the Scriptures without presuppositions, but their leap into non-reason will deny the reality of this fact to still attempt autonomy.

They may also say:

"All we really need is "faith plus good works", not doctrine."

To make such a preposterous statement, they must reject:

"All Scripture is Given by Inspiration of G-d, and is profitable for Doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in Righteousness, that the Man of G-d might be mature, thouroughly furnished for all Good Works." II Timothy 3:16,17

What does it all do? It once again (following Secular Humanism as the model), rejects the previously accepted Absolutes, and places proud man back "on the throne", rejecting all of what has gone on before as "unneccesary". He simply jettisons all of Western Civilization in one fell swoop and declares himself "king of the hill" with "no doctrine"!


By exalting himself and rejecting all that has gone before, (specifically Historically Accepted Doctrines and Dogmas) the Christian Humanist becomes "autonomous" but as "the blind leading the blind". His new found "Freedom" many times appeals to his vanity so much that he will not shed it, in that he believes he does not need doctrine at all, but puffs himself in ignorance.

Go To Christian Humanism Part II

More Following Soon!


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