Believers must only place themselves under Spiritual Authority that Yeshua (Jesus) has Authorized. What are these Authorities?


The Bible is our Authority. Which Bible? Go HERE for New Testament Manuscripts Accepted by the Assemblies.


Believers are to Honor their parents by living a G-dly life.


Yeshua Authorized Pastor-Teachers to watch His Flock. This a Spiritual Gift Given by G-d. Just because someone may have even attended Seminary, possesses university degrees, has "great Scriptural knowledge" or knowledge of Biblical languages does not necessarily mean they have this Spiritual Gift. Because someone may be considered a "spiritual leader" [1] or seems to be "popular" does not mean they have the Spiritual Gift either. A "nice personality" does not necessarity a Pastor-Teacher make, although they may be otherwise "very nice people".

The Gift of Pastor-Teacher is Given to Men of G-d ONLY..

The Pastor-Teacher is to teach Systematic Theology to the Believer.

An Evangelist might not have this Gift, as Evangelism is a separate Gift. [2]


Qualified Women may school the younger women provided they have been Authorized to do so by a True Pastor-Teacher. The women under her then submit to her Pastors' Authority through her.

The Qualified Lady teachers are to be "the aged women". Titus 2:3,4. "Aged" here means those that have raised their own G-dly children.


Many are taught today (even Believers) in the school system [3] that is it "just fine" to form any group at all without the Authorization of any Spiritual Authority whatsoever. The Bible nowhere says this! This could be anything from a "social club" to a "chat room" on the Internet.

Anyone seeking to ignore Yeshuas' Command to be under Authority, or takes it upon themselves to "assume" Authority when such a one does not truly have the Gift of Pastor-Teacher is in Violation of Yeshuas' Command.

Think about how many "unauthorized groups" such as "gangs" or "renegade groups", attempting to "buck Authority" would be clearly recognized as such if Believers Obeyed the New Testament Command, and how much error could easily be avoided.

"And be not conformed to this world, but be Transformed by the Renewing of your mind..." Romans 12:2

Believers are therefore strongly encouraged to separate from any group that does not have a true Pastor-Teacher over it or that has not Authorized it. The only way that such groups can function or exist at all are on Humanistic principles [4] since actually they are in rebellion against His Command.

"Come out from among them..."


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[1] Yeshua Said: "Call no man leader." He is our Sole Leader. Matthew 23:10. The KJV has "master" but the Greek is "leader". Only Christ and He In us Is The Example.

Some groups may "choose" a person as their "leader" while ignoring the Spiritual Gift of Pastor-Teacher. This is a clear Violation also of Yeshuas' Command.

[2] Ephesians 4:11

[3] The division into "secular peer groups" with no Pastor-Teacher would be one such example of unauthorized groups. Scripture says there are "false shepherds". Such ones would not go around with a sign around their neck saying "false shepherd", but would seek to take the place of a True Pastor-Teacher and presumptiously substitute themselves instead.

Even such things as musical groups and artists should also be examined from this point of view: as a matter of fact, every group and organization the Believer may be encouraged by others to join. Under whose Spiritual Authority are these groups operating?

Many times we hear people say they "want Revival" and yet many of these same people refuse to accept the order Yeshua has Commanded. Then they complain because there is "no Revival" or that bad things have happened to them from vainly attempting to substitute Humanistic solutions by continuing to fellowship with "the things of the world".

"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them." Ephesians 5:11

Did Yeshua Command these things to punish us? No! To Protect us.

"Let All Things Be Done Decently and In Order." I Corinthians 14:40.

"All Things" does mean exactly that.

[4] View our latest research featuring Humanism Exposed!. To usurp True Authority some "system" has to be substituted for what Yeshua Commanded. If the True Gift is not present, human "attractiveness", "appeal" or "feelings" on some level are instead sought after. This is nothing more than mans' blatant attempt to build on a false finite Humanistic base.

Believers are to be taught about The Kingdom of G-d and not any other sort of "system", religious or secular.


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