How BMX got started and YOU too!

How Did Bicycle Motocross Start ? You probably have been riding your bicycle for quite some time - but now you want to RACE! You've probably jammed around your neighborhood with your friends, jumping curbs and racing on homemade tracks that you and your friends built in vacant lots or possibly in your own yard. Well, believe it or not, that's exactly how BMX started. In the early 1970's, a group of California kids were imitating their motorcycle motocross heroes on their 20" bicycles, and they built a homemade track to "race" their bicycles on. This new sport, created by kids for kids, was happening throughout the nation. But it wasn't until the film "On Any Sunday" that bicycle motocross, or BMX , became known nationwide. In 1974, the National Bicycle League was formed as the first sanctioning organization to turn backyard racing into an exciting, competitive sport on a local, state, national and international level.

Necessary Equipment:

Any 20" bicycle can be used for competition. The handlebar's crossbar must be padded, as well as the frame and the handlebar stem. The handlebars must also have grips. If your bicycle has a kickstand, chain guard and reflectors or other gadgets, they must be removed for safety purposes on the track. But for street riding, your bicycle will need reflectors and other appropriate equipment for your safety! If you have any questions about your bicycle, then you can ask a volunteer at the track on race day during the bike inspection. Once your bicycle has been prepared, you're ready to go to the track! But first, let's not forget a helmet! The helmet is THE most important part of your equipment! If you do not have a helmet, most tracks will have rental helmets available for you to use. Now put on your blue jeans and a long-sleeved shirt, and you're ready to go RACING! The BMX Track Once at the track, you need to find the beginner representative. This person is from the track, and their job is to help each beginner with sign-ups, bike inspection, practice, bike numbers and to answer any questions that all new beginning riders have! Every veteran racer had to start as a beginner at some time, so don't be intimidated to ask them questions on gate starts, jumping, passing or even how to race faster! There are three skill levels in BMX : Beginner, Novice and Expert. The brand new rider will start as a beginner and will race other beginner riders in the same or close to the same age. Age classes in BMX are one year apart, beginning with the 5 year old and under class and continuing up to the 17 and older classes. Beginning riders will continue to compete in the beginner class until they have won eight races within the "points" year (January 1 to December 31). When a beginning rider reaches eight wins he will then become a novice racer. If the rider does not reach eight wins by December 31, the rider's win count will start over at zero. All BMX racers begin on top of a small hill, behind a starting gate. As the gate falls, the racers dash down the hill, and the race is on! A BMX track is a winding course that has a variety of jumps and turns. The racers all start together and whoever crosses the finish line first WINS. But the racing isn't over yet. The racers must compete in 3 motos (heats) to determine the overall winner. The rider with the best combined finishes is the WINNER . BMX awards are fun to race for and come in a variety of sizes and shapes, from trophies to bicycle parts. BMX is a fast, action-packed sport that is usually run by volunteer parents of the riders under the NBL sanction. All sanctioned tracks are monitored by the NBL rules of competition to ensure fair and safe racing events. The Advantage of Membership As a full NBL member, you will receive a membership card and an NBL number. This number allows the NBL to tabulate and post the points you earn at any of the local NBL tracks throughout the United States and Canada. You may also compete in state and national events, earning state or national rankings! You will receive a yearly subscription to our monthly magazine, BICYCLES TODAY. Inside the magazine, you'll find professional BMX racing tips and action-packed coverage complete with pictures and stories of the monthly national events. Also included are news from state events, local racing events, rider profiles and, of course, the point standings of all NBL members. Other benefits of NBL membership are : - Participant medical insurance - Qualified officiating - National and state point standings - Membership card - List of tracks and schedules - Full-time NBL staff

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