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 Our Beach - Club Committee - Contact Information


The False Bay Surf Lifesaving Club is situated at Sunrise Beach, on the eastern side of Muizenberg beach. Our beach is regarded as one of the safest in the country. The lifeguards are kept busy during the summer season, ensuring that young toddlers are not knocked over by the deceiving power of the incoming tide, assisting parents find lost children, treating various first aid cases and assisting bathers who get into difficulty, as well as the occasional windsurfer who gets into difficulty. On occasion, there is a deep hole which runs the length of the beach, where the wave has hollowed out the sand bank - this can cause a more powerful wave break and it is deceiving, even to more competent bathers.

The prevailing wind in summer is the south-easter and this normally builds up in the afternoon and can become unpleasant. Generally though, summer days on Muizenberg beach are very pleasant and the beach is popular amongst families with young children, because of the safe bathing conditions and the presence of the patrolling lifeguards.

Muizenberg is also regarded as the nursery for youngsters learning how to surf and bodyboard. The best surfing conditions occur during winter when the north-westerly wind provides idyllic offshore surf conditions.   There are the occasional summer days when these conditions also occur. Depending on the strength of the wind, the south-westerly provides a diagonal crosswind which can provide glassy surf conditions.

We operate a voluntary lifesaving service and are affiliated to the Western Province Lifesaving Association and SA Lifesaving. Besides lifeguard patrols, we also run an education programme for youngsters and they are encouraged to join the Nipper branch of the Club, where they will have a lot of fun on the beach with their own age groups, taking part in competitions and being trained in the skills of lifesaving and basic first aid.

Our Junior and Senior lifeguards have to do duties on the beach and have to pass a Surf Proficiency Award before they can be regarded as qualified lifesavers and before they can participate in surf lifesaving carnivals. Before they can go to National Championships they have to complete a total of 30 hours active duty on patrol. Further information about the Juniors and Seniors is available on the Membership Information page 

Besides the Surf Proficiency Award, persons who are not good swimmers can still become active lifeguards. They have to do the Qualifying Certificate exam which will teach them beach lifesaving skills and first aid. 

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