My Web site


If you would like to learn all about MEN and abortion, you need to visit my one of a kind site, Aborting Fatherhood: The impact of "abortion culture" on men. This site looks at abortion ENTIRELY from male eyes, and as such, is worth a read by both men and women.

It is nowhere near finished, so do not be too critical! I hope to make it the beacon of comprehensive theory and info of abortion's effect on men. It is not a pretty picture, as you can imagine. The pain many men feel over abortion loss is often overwhelming, and incredibly destructive.

This is compounded by society's often ignorant attitude toward mens' reaction to abortion, and the refusal of the public to acknowledge such feelings compounds the problem further, and men keep it in and suffer a variety of ill-effects, sometimes leading to suicide.

I wanted to make a site that covered everything, and I believe I am well on the way to accomplishing that goal. The site covers my own writings on the subject, and those of others. It examines legal theory and praxis on men and abortion, it examines how abortions happen, and what men can do to block/stop abortions contemplated by the woman carrying their child.

I get alot of flack for my "dirty tricks" guide to stopping women from having abortions which I advocate men using when they find themselves facing such a disaster. Good luck trying to extract an apology from me! I will *never* give up fighting abortion. I will never stop fighting for Veto4Fathers, I have seen to many lives ruined to ignore this injustice and inequity of law.

My advice to all visitors of the site is to get active politically and support Veto4Fathers. You may not have explored the issue much before, and hopefully, after you explore my world of abortion seen through male eyes, you will be changed forever!

The URL to my homepage is:

Visit if you dare-prepare to be blown away...

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