Q: What is the pro-life men's webring?

The pro-life men's webring was started by Prolifeman, as a part of the Webring service found at http://www.webring.com As a staunchly pro-life male, I felt there needed to be a place for us to gather online, and that this was currently sadly lacking as I saw it.

I made the ring for men to show support for other pro-life men, and to voice MALE opposition to abortions of our children. Since this issue is frequently misperceived as a "woman's concern", I felt the it was high-time us good pro-lifer men made some net noise!

As pro-life men, we frequently get picked on by everyone from feminists, pro-choicers, and even other pro-lifers of both sexes. I thought we needed a place of our own to voice our views and show unity in our total opposition to abortion and our endorsement of pro-father life-affirming alternatives and support of fatherhood and also my plan of Veto 4 Fathers.

Q: Is the pro-life man's webring open only to men?

No! While I made this ring with men in mind, you do *not* absolutely HAVE to be a male to join it! If you are a woman, and want to join, you *DO* have to follow a few extra rules, though. These "absolutes" for female ring members are:

A. You MUST openly endorse my Veto 4 Fathers plan. Which in turn means:

B. You HAVE to display on your site the graphic found on the home page of this site pertaining to this proposal which reads "this site supports Veto 4 Fathers", and you must make that image a clickable hypertext link back to its associated FAQ.

When you copy the html fragment I provide, male or female, you will automatically include the Veto 4 Fathers icon in the code, but for women it is absolutely the law-no code on your page or membership in this ring sans the pink ribbon and hypertext link back to the Veto 4 Fathers FAQ!

This does not mean you think abortion *should* be legally ANYBODY'S choice, but that you support the idea wholeheartedly that, if and wherever abortion IS somehow legal, it cannot possibly occur LEGALLY on demand sans paternal consent, at least not in any normal case not involving life-loss danger to the woman involved. See the FAQ of Veto 4 Fathers for more details.

I encourage women to join, even as I am trying to attract and unify men, because it is crucial to pass these measures into law with the support of as many women as possible. It shows so-called "feminists" that many regular women AGREE the policy of no rights for other half contributer of a pregnancy is unconstitutional and generally unjust. It gives us pro-life men ammunition to say that it is not just a few guys out there trying to "oppress" women in some patriarchal conspiracy.

Women play a vital role to back pro-life responsible fatherhood-advocating men up, to send a message to society and the law that men count too rights-wise and feelings-wise in the abortion equation instead of merely being on the outside looking in almost by default, which only serves to perpetuate male excuses and sexual irresponsibility for untimely pregnancies, and punishes GOOD men who take their responsibilities with utter seriousness like REAL men do!

Q: Do I have to be a pro-lifer to join?

Does Bill Clinton lie? Obviously you do, silly! Pro-abortionists go away, and MAYBE you can sign the guestbook, leaving a rude, ignorant male-bashing message on the way to be featured (made fun of) on my main web site!

Q: So how do I join?

Simply visit the Join page and follow the instructions for application for membership into the ring. You will fill out a simple form that adds you to the "queue" of sites, which places your page(s) under consideration for membership in this ring. You will need to display the "The pro-life men's webring" html fragment (code provided by yours truly) on your site(s), on the front page, preferably at or near the bottom.

If a female applicant, you are REQUIRED to display the Veto 4 Fathers advocacy image *and* a link back to the associated FAQ found on this site. You must endorse the laws I am proposing. If male, I ALREADY expect you to do so, and also ask that you display the Veto 4 Fathers materials on your site, but I am a little more forgiving of your laziness than I am for the girls!

Note to all prospective members: You may NOT be accepted. I reserve ALL final decisions as to WHO may join! When you submit a site for approval, it is added to the list of possible ring sites, and then I check them and add them IF they meet my requirements. I will check that you have added the html fragment, images, etc., to the URL you submit on the first page of your site BEFORE I add it to the ring, which only I can do. You may add other sites for consideration yourself using a link to a special form provided on the join page, but I will decide if they are acceptable.

That's all there is too it! Once accepted tell your friends, write your public officials and tell them to pass my plan into law. Fathers deserve more than a dead child being forced on them...

Q: Are there any other special rules I must comply with to join the ring?

Yes. Briefly, your proposed site *cannot* contain any of the above:

1.) Opposition to my Veto 4 Fathers plan and the concept of legal paternal abortion vetoes.

2.) Material that is anti-father, or blaming them automatically for abortions without proof.

3.) Openly advocating violence to solve abortion culture problems.

4.) Pornography

5.) Any pro-choice sentiments, including "I would not have one, but each woman must decide."

Q: Are you really for real? Actually male? Wrote that FAQ? Want it as law?

That's FOUR questions, but, briefly:

1) Yes. I am 1000% pro-life.

2.) Last time I checked I had a penis.

3.) I sure did, I am working on case briefs/legal precedence findings now as mentioned in the FAQ, and I fully plan on this proposal becoming widespread law, and with your help, that CAN happen, I truly believe it!

4.) No, I want to continue living under slavery and terror as a pro-life male...whadda you think? Don't just sit there, male or female, JOIN ME! Let's make sure we give daddy peace of mind, AND his full-term baby, not post abortion syndrome!

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