In a scaled up version of the Oklahoma City bombing, our own government is planning to use biological weapons against the American people!

They've done it before

Hard to believe? Here's what they did in Oklahoma City: Government agents recruited Timothy McVeigh to drive a truck bomb to the Murrah Building. (By comparison, a very similar bomb did a lot less damage to a very similar building in the bombing of Khobar Tower Apartments in Saudi Arabia, where American troops were being quartered.) When the truck bomb blew out the windows on the front of the Murrah building, bombs mounted on the columns INSIDE THE BUILDING were set off, doing most of the damage, killing most of the victims.

General Benton Partin, U.S. Air Force, Retired, examined and photographed the evidence before it was so quickly covered up. If the truck bomb had broken the support columns in the building, jagged surfaces would have been left. Instead, smooth granular surfaces were found, indicating bombs mounted on the columns. (The blast pressure from a bomb mounted that close to the concrete would be high enough to pulverize the concrete, leaving the smooth granular surface that was found.)

Also, two seismographs (one eight miles across town, the other twenty miles away at the University of Oklahoma) both recorded TWO seismic events about ten seconds apart at the time of the bombing. On the day of the bombing, the media reported more bombs being found in the rubble, but hushed that up ever since. No ATF agents were in their offices in the Murrah Building that day. How convenient.

The people of Oklahoma City know they've been scammed. They collected over twelve thousand signatures on a petition to force a grand jury investigation of all of the above. The grand jury is now seated, and is investigating. How much is the media telling you about that?

Why did they do it?

The government pulled this scam for the same reason Hitler pulled a similar scam in 1933. Hitler had his people burn the Reichstag building in Berlin one night. The next day, Hitler went to President Hindenburg (Hitler was still the number two man at that time) with a list of "anti-terrorist measures" very similar to the "anti-terrorism" bill that was stalled in Congress when the Murrah Building was bombed. These burnings and bombings were STAGED to be an excuse for police state legislation, giving the government MORE POWER!

When one becomes President or Fuhrer, he has acquired power as broadly as possible. The only avenue left to satisfy one's lust for power is to gain power deeper and deeper into the personal lives of one's subjects. Which is exactly what police state legislation does; it gives the leader surveillance powers to snoop (and meddle) deeper and deeper into the personal lives of their subjects. (That's us!)

The Oklahoma City bombing was a tremendous propaganda victory for the government. They branded anyone who criticizes the government as a "dangerous right-wing extremist terrorist." (Even though the physical evidence conclusively proves that the government did the bombing!) But even that bombing has limited propaganda value. How many people spend any amount of time near such a government building?

The "attempted bombing of the IRS" in Reno a few months later had even less propaganda value. The recent congressional hearings on the IRS made it clear that a large portion of the population would actually be in favor of bombing the IRS! That target doesn't generate much sympathy! So, what will they do next?

Now they'll attack the general public!

A direct attack upon the general public would have the greatest possible propaganda value for a government trying to become all-powerful, like God. (That's what attracts egotists to government: pride! A chance to demonstrate to everyone why they think they should be God!) A direct attack on the general public would terrify everyone into demanding government "protection!"

The media is already leading people into this line of thought: Time Magazine made chemical and biological threats against Americans the main feature of their November 24, 1997 edition. They're talking about Islamic terrorists now, but that's what they did in the first few days after the Oklahoma City bombing. They talk about Islamic terrorists to avoid the perception that they're persecuting patriots. They whip up the hysteria, then they point it at their intended target: us!

What suggests that they plan to stage a biological attack?

A few weeks ago, a friend of mine was asked by someone if he thought the militia should have biological warfare capability. My friend and another person there quickly concluded that we should not, because the only possible use of biological weapons would be to attack the general public, the very people the militia exists to defend!

It appears that the someone was fishing around to see if he could recruit some patriot who has lots of zeal and poor judgement. Such a patriot would be a perfect patsy to do something stupid, like kill a lot of people with biological agents just to "show the militia's power."

This "someone" who asked the question is not a nobody. He is a microbiologist at Ohio State who has been doing interviews on many radio programs, where he talks at length about the threat of biological warfare from Iraqi cell groups around the country. In these interviews, he provides MUCH DETAIL about how to smuggle biological agents into the country, how to grow the cultures in one's home to quantities large enough to be sprayed all over a city, and how to rig up equipment to do the spraying. (It's not terribly hard to do! Anyone of average intelligence could do it, with the instructions he provides on these radio shows!)

This someone has a lab in his home. In 1997, he was arrested for allegedly having biological warfare agents mailed to his home. This was reported on television around Ohio.

This is a perfect set up! This someone could invite a militia activist to his home to show him the lab. The activist could pocket a vial of biological warfare agents, take it home, and carry out a biological attack, following the instructions this someone gives on all these radio shows!

What would happen?

Imagine the aftermath of such a scenario: thousands of people in a major city start dying from anthrax or bubonic plague. They never went near a federal building. Just going about their normal activites, or even staying at home, they're infected with deadly diseases! "You're not safe anywhere!" will be the message! "We have to root out these dangerous right-wing extremist terrorists NOW! Before they kill us all!"

A threat THIS deadly will create such tremendous hysteria that no one will think rationally! It will be impossible to tell anyone the truth about the event after it happens! The entire population will have such a tremedous knee-jerk reaction against "right-wing extremists" that anyone who questions the official explanation of the events will branded as "extremely dangerous!" "Search his house NOW before he kills OUR city!"

This "threat" will be considered so dangerous that the authorities will evacuate the entire neighborhood just to search one house! People will gladly flee from the possiblility of being exposed to another "biological terrorist." With the entire neighborhood evacuated, gun confiscation will be as easy as picking flowers! No one will be at home to "make a stand" as so many gun owners vow to do if the government ever orders gun confiscation!

The residents of any home with patriot literature found inside will be considered "dangerous potential terrorists." A threat as deadly as biological warfare will be enough to cause people to DEMAND government "protection" AT ANY COST!

Economic factors

This would also greatly affect the economy. Such an extreme panic would also show up as a panic on Wall Street. The giant speculative bubble, expanding for the last several years, would finally pop! (In fact, the market DID crash last October, but the giant financial institutions rushed in within hours to prop it up. Only so much propping up can be done before triggering general inflation throughout the economy, perhaps even hyperinflation, such as Germany in the 1920s, where it took a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread!)

Here's why this biological scenario is more likely to happen later than sooner: The big money men want to have a common currency, the European Currency Unit (ECU), to control smaller investors in Europe. Without fluctuating exchange rates, investors cannot flee bad markets for better ones. So whatever the big money men want to do to a country, the investors cannot flee the consequences. The Maastrict Treaty sets the terms of establishing the ECU, including the stipulation that each country have its national deficit below three percent of its gross domestic product. All the countries need healthy economies to meet this criterion. A downturn anywhere in the world will drag down the economies of Europe. So the big money men want to keep all the economies propped up (as they did last October, and more recently in Southeast Asia), and they want to do nothing to jeopardize the economies (like unleash their biological terrorism).

What to do:

So we probably have at least a year or two before such a scenario might be played out. Do not sit still! This time gives us a chance to beat the enemy to the propaganda punch! If we wait until it happens, the hysteria will eliminate any chance of reaching anyone with any message! If we get the message out now, hopefully the enemy will be AFRAID to pull this scam, knowing that THEY'LL get the blame!

That's my goal in posting this message! An attack prevented is an attack defeated! The alternative media needs to speak out AS ONE VOICE: "The militia has no need of or interest in any biological warfare capability! Mark anyone who offers any such capability as a potential enemy agent!"

The militia (defined in the Militia Act of 1792 as every able-bodied male adult) (who is REQUIRED by the act to own guns and ammunition!) is the lawfully constituted defense of the United States of America. The EXISTENCE of a standing army was FORBIDDEN by the founding fathers! For example, the 1851 Ohio Constution (the one still in force) states: "The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security; but standing armies, in time of peace, are dangerous to liberty, and shall not be kept up" (Article I, Section 4)

The militia IS the people! I'll never understand how ANYONE can be stupid enough to believe today's propaganda about the militia being a THREAT to the people!

The founding fathers fully understood that government forces have historically been the biggest threat to the population. (Just in our century, government forces around the world have murdered around 180 million people, (not counting wars!) just in purging those who are not politically correct!) It appears that our generation might have to learn that same cruel lesson all over again!

Our duty is to try to avoid having to go through that! Download this message, make flyers, and blanket the country with them! If we "poison the political waters" enough, the government will be AFRAID to poison the air with their biological weapons! Because they know that they will get the blame they deserve!

Jesus' Eternal Freedom Foundation, P.O. Box 31715, Dayton OH 45437

For updates on this subject, see Updates on Biological Terrorism.

For more background info, see my article on the real threat to national security.

Now that you're all upset from learning of such a deadly threat, you should read This Will Boost Your Morale.

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