Updates on Biological Terrorism

agent provocateur - a person hired to join a labor union, political party, etc. in order to incite its members to actions that will make them or their organization liable to penalty (Webster's New World Dictionary, 1972)

Late in 1997, Larry Harris, who was just arrested (February 19, 1998) in Las Vegas for suspected possession of biological warfare agents, tried to recruit a friend of mine to be his accomplice. As a result, I wrote the "urgent warning" article posted on this web site, and posted it during the first week of January 1998.

To clearly see what's actually going on, certain observations must be considered:

1. Larry Harris has stated on the radio that he worked for the CIA from 1985 to 1990, assisting the United States in selling biological warfare agents to Saddam Hussein.

2. The CIA is like the FBI and the Mafia, in that membership is for life. One can "retire" from any of the three, but you can never cease to be a member. Any retiree can be called upon for "favors" at any time in the future.

3. "Politics is the art of timing." To understand events, look at them in the context of what's going on at the time. Bill Clinton is doing anything and everything to divert attention away from the Monica Lewinski affair. Even to the point of going to war (sending our sons to die) against Iraq, supposedly for possessing biological warfare agents (which the United States sold to him, to begin with!)

4. The Clintons never miss an opportunity to slander "right wing extremists." Hillary keeps talking about this "vast right wing conspiracy" that's out to "get" Bill Clinton.

Never mind that Bill Clinton ADMITTED accepting money from China! And publicly made excuses for it! (What China got in return is, #1: Long Beach Naval Station, and #2: their man appointed to a high post in our Commerce Department, WHO IS NOW APPROVING THE SALE OF ALL OUR TOP SECRET TECHNOLOGY TO COMMUNIST CHINA!)

But in "Clintonworld," Communist China is not a threat, "right wing extremists" are! These "right wing extremists" must be slandered and demonized at every opportunity.

But this "diversion" has a downside for Bill Clinton: it emphasizes how unwise it is to go to war against Iraq! Since we know Iraq has the biological warfare agents, and has a much larger network of operatives in the USA, able to spread these diseases throughout MANY cities, Iraq is one hornet's nest we had better not kick, AS BILL CLINTON IS SO INTENT ON DOING!

5. BACK IN DECEMBER 1997, the Pentagon ordered that all U.S. military personnel be inoculated against biological warfare agents. The government already knows the threat, AND IS NOT TELLING US! They are protecting THEMSELVES, but leaving us VULNERABLE!

We need MASS PRODUCTION of antibiotics to counter this threat! By inoculating their own people, the government has ADMITTED that they are aware of it! And are DELIBERATELY leaving us defenseless!

It is clear that OUR OWN GOVERNMENT knows what's going on, because THEY ARRANGED IT! Retired CIA operative Larry Harris helped sell BIOLOGICAL WARFARE agents to Iraq, and now appears to be the CIA's "agent provocateur" posing as a "right wing extremist" threatening to infect Americans! The facts make it clear who's the real threat: the LEFT WING EXTREMISTS in Washington D.C.!

Update: Monday, February 23, 1998

Larry Harris is being released, since it was found that the vial contained Anthrax vaccine, not Anthrax weapon serum. That shows that he did not intend to "wipe out Las Vegas" as many charged. But certain points of my statements remain as valid as ever:

1. The media frenzy over his connection with "right wing extremists" was always the establishment's goal in this entire episode. Whether or not Mr Harris actually is an "agent provocateur," the media used him as such.

2. The idea of using biological warfare against the American People is an ABOMINATION to the Patriot movement! The "right wing extremists" the media loves to demonize is the segment of the population that is MOST STRONGLY OPPOSED to ANY attack on the American People!

3. This entire episode shows the UTTER STUPIDITY of the establishment's insistence on attacking Iraq. Instead of one "right wing extremist" wiping out a city, we are looking the possibility of HUNDREDS of Iraqi agents wiping out DOZENS of major cities! IT IS WELL WITHIN THEIR CAPABILITY! A small vial of Anthrax (or Bubonic Plague) can be smuggled in to the USA in a woman's body cavity. EVERYTHING ELSE NEEDED TO CARRY OUT THE ATTACK CAN BE OBTAINED AT ANY DEPARTMENT STORE! All they need is pots to grow large amounts of Anthrax from the small amount in the vial, and sprayers. One can spray it out the window as his partner drives down the freeway. Several days later, people are dying by the thousands, never having seen the attack!

Bill Clinton is being UTTERLY RECKLESS with the lives of the American People! He's putting us all in deadly peril for the sake of his political games! But he's only a figurehead. The PERMANENT ESTABLISHMENT in Washington is making these decisions. Bill Clinton is only doing what his handlers tell him.

It is this permanent establishment that is the real threat! Not "right wing extremists!" The permanent establishment controls BOTH major political parties, and the TV networks, and most of the newspapers. Check out the rest of my website, and my links, to understand who's the REAL threat to national security!

A final word about Larry Harris:

Does Larry Harris sincerely support the patriot movement? Or is he really working for the CIA?

We cannot really be sure. There is evidence in support of both possibilities. He has written a book advising people how they can survive a biological attack. Some have criticized the book, saying that the extremely high doses of antibiotics it recommends could kill you. When I asked him about it, his reply was that the high dosages are recommended only if you are already showing symptoms of the diseases. In that case, death is already nearly certain, and the high dosages are necessary as a last ditch effort to save your life. The lower dosages recommended by the manufacturers are appropriate for prevention of the disease, like if a biological attack is known to have occurred, but you yourself are not yet displaying symptoms.

How should patriots regard Larry Harris? With the same caution we should have with anyone else in our movement. The government is certainly trying to infiltrate us, and we need to be careful with everyone we meet. But we should not be extremely reactionary against suspected infiltrators. In November 1997, some people wanted Mr Harris expelled from his booth at a show in Columbus Ohio for being a suspected infiltrator. That would be inappropriate. He has the same rights as anyone else to way what he thinks.

Larry Harris might in fact be a double agent. Even if he is, he has the right to have his say, and we have the right to believe or disbelieve him. We must all remember the concept of "innocent until proven guilty." But we should still be cautious of everyone we meet.

Most important: any operations of a "terrorist" nature (bombs, gas, biological, or whatever, against innocent civilians) work in favor of the globalists, and should be shunned. That's why the globalists stage such events and blame them on us! Let's make it clear to everyone which side it is that really is the threat to all the people!

Continue on to my main article about biological terrorism.

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