All of us good patriots who are well informed of the threats now facing us have to struggle to keep up our morale in face of it all. It's disturbing to know how wealthy and powerful the antichrists have become, not to mention how hateful they are! Wearing pretty, smiling faces, they lie to the masses, promising them freedom and prosperity, all the while planning to exterminate most of us!

Their world view is that they believe they are entitled to live in lavish luxury, with the whole world in pristine natural beauty being their private estate, without us "eco-criminals" who expect a decent standard of living consuming "their" resources! They plan to exterminate all the "surplus population", especially those of us who are used to having cars and living in houses with heating and cooling!

How far along is their plan? The report is that the big money men are now fleeing the USA like they fled Germany in 1935. They (Rothschild and his buddies) knew what was coming! And they know what's coming now! And they're not going to the State of Israel. They're going to Australia. (Quite fitting, since it was first a penal colony! A place for criminals!)

Why? The north and south hemispheres of the atmosphere mix very little. Each hemisphere has its own convection pattern between the tropics and the poles. Nuclear, biological, and chemical nastiness can devastate the northern hemisphere and leave the southern hemisphere pretty much alone. They plan to exterminate us Northern peoples who believe in freedom and rights, and expect a pretty good standard of living, and eventually replace us with more docile people who will work in our factories, serving their global plantation.

They have learned well Hitler's "tell a big lie, it will be believed more easily" strategy. They have designed the most horrific threat imaginable; so horrific, most people cannot believe that anyone could contemplate it! (Even the most evil .00001 percent of the population!)

Part of the big lie is all the false doctrine ravaging the churches, especially the one about a pre-tribulation rapture. What can you say to people who believe such foolishness? Their own doctrine even contradicts itself!

One huge contradiction these preachers teach is that today is the Laodicean church age (of the seven churches of Revelation chapters 2 and 3. And yet they teach that God will rapture this "poor, blind, wretched, naked" church before the tribulation, because he wants a nice, pretty bride, not a bloody and battered one! They need to realize that today's poor, blind, wretched, naked church is not "nice and pretty!" Today's church looks pretty, thinks she is rich and well clothed and has need of nothing. But inside, she's a filthy pig of a woman! The Bride of Christ needs to be purged and purified by going through the fire!

I think the best arguments to wake people up are the parables about stewardship. God gave all of us various resources, and expects all of us to use them accordingly. No one has ever been given more than the USA in this century! And few have ever squandered their resources as much as today's Christians! God, through our forefathers, gave us a Christian republic! Anyone who doesn't build on it, let alone someone who passively lets it slip away, IS UNFAITHFUL TO GOD, AND HEADED FOR DESTRUCTION! That's what the parable says! (Matthew 25:14-30)

Daniel 11:32 says that "those who know their God will firmly resist him (the Antichrist) and do exploits." Anyone who does not resist those now preparing the way for the Antichrist DOES NOT KNOW GOD! Even if there was a pre-trib rapture, anyone who does not oppose Antichrist now, while it is easy, would not be taken, anyway!

Daniel 11:30 through the end of the book lays it all out. Tell people to read straight through it. If they won't believe the testimony of the prophet, they wouldn't believe even if one rose from the dead! Don't waste your time with them!

Bottom line: people believe the things they do because they want to. The things people choose to believe reveal their character, whether it is good or evil. People will believe what they want to, regardless of any proof. We are the watchmen. (Ezekiel 3) Our duty is to sound the warning. Our hearers will be judged by whether or not they heed the warning. When you've sounded the warning, you've done all you can. If they reject you, don't keep casting your pearls before swine. Move on.

The enemy has been spectacularly successful in carrying out their plan. It's like playing a game of mousetrap. They've been building their trap for hundreds of years, and they're almost ready to spring the trap on us! We are not going to stop them from doing it! Prophecy will be fulfilled. Everything will run its course. Do not frustrate yourself thinking we can stop it all from happening.

Being successful depends partly on a realistic definition of success. We cannot succeed at preventing the NWO. But we can succeed at being faithful until the end! Matthew 10:22 reads, "All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved." We all would like to stand firm until the Lord comes. Daniel 12:12 says, "Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days." We all would like to take part in that blessing. But if not, at least we will have stood firm to our end. That is, if we stand firm by warning people of their sins; not just personal sin, but sins of condoning socialism and usury!

If you do stand firm, there's still a blessing waiting for you:

1 Thessalonians 4:14-18, says WHEN we will be "raptured": when the Lord returns! (Ancient Hebrew customs often portray God's dealings with his people. The custom of the bridegroom coming from afar (referred to in the parable of the wise and the foolish virgins) (Matthew 25:1-13) involves the bride going out to meet the groom on his way into town, not going away with him for a few days.) First the dead in Christ will rise, then those left alive will be caught up with them.

1 Corinthians 15:50-53 tells us what else happens then. At the last trump, we will be changed. The mortal will be clothed with immortality. We will receive our glorified bodies! And return with Jesus (this appears to be what Washington saw in his vision) and carry out Luke 19:27, bringing the enemies of Jesus before his throne to execute them! We will reign with him! That's not just a figure of speech! We, with our supernatural bodies, will govern with Jesus! No bullet or bomb or fire or chemical can harm us!

"We shall behold Him" is a glorious thought, but we're going to do a whole lot more than behold him! We are going to be like him!

Of course, the Antichrist will pervert Luke chapter 19, just like he does all the other scriptures. He will claim to be the Lord, and will have as many of us as he can capture brought before his throne to be slain. But his slaying is only temporary! If it happens to me, I plan to say, "You are not the Messiah! You are the Antichrist! The devil's own son! You're obviously going to kill me here, but I'm coming back! Your time is coming, and you will not escape!" At that point, I shall feel total peace as my head is laid on the chopping block.

If events go that way. But I might me one of those spoken of in Daniel 12:12. "Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days." It's worth striving for, but if I don't make it, at least I shall be faithful to my end, and be raised with Daniel to receive my allotted inheritance! No matter how long I last in the battle, I shall be raised back up to see (and help bring about!) its glorious finish!

So our success is not based solely on redefining our idea of success! If you achieve success in being faithful to the end, God will give you the success you really want: eradicating the Antichrist and his NWO scum from the earth!

The Devil will have his day. God will allow him to temporarily succeed, to reveal his true nature! The Antichrist will succeed in treating most of the people like the "human cattle" he calls them ("goyim"), because most of the people ACT like human cattle! They do not love truth enough to search for it! Most people are content to settle for the comfort of conformity and the security of slavery, instead of the invigorating life of freedom and responsibility!

Don't make yourself miserable mourning the tragedy of the destruction of most of humanity. Instead, rejoice that God has designed the laws of nature to bring about the justice that people really deserve! Since most people don't want to believe God, their own actions structuring their society according to the precepts of the one they choose to believe will bring about the destruction they richly deserve for rejecting God!

It is all written in the Book of books! Not one jot or tittle will pass away until every bit of it is fulfilled! Including the part about us being given glorified bodies and reigning with Christ on the earth! (Notice, there is nothing in the Bible about us going to Heaven after we die! Revelation ends with the New Jerusalem coming down out of Heaven and sitting on the Earth! The Lord will come to dwell with mankind here on the Earth! We will be raised and have eternal life, but here on earth is where it will be!) There will be no more war or famine or violence or theft or crime or hate of any kind! Life will be exactly the way it was always supposed to be!

Be faithful to the end, be good stewards of everything the Lord has given you. Firmly resist the Antichrist and do exploits! Make his work as difficult as you can, and God will reward you by giving you the victory! As well as a body that will never get sick or injured or tired or feel pain! One that is perfectly well suited for doing to the enemy what we're all anxious to do!

All the suffering that we have endured, and are going to endure, no doubt induces a lot of anger. I think part of the reason God is allowing it is to put us in the proper frame of mind to do what he wants us to do when we return with him! When the Lord returns, he will pour out his wrath upon the enemy, and we will be right there with him, helping him! Our victory and our success are absolutely guaranteed!
Jesus' Eternal Freedom Foundation / P.O. Box 31715 / Dayton OH 45437-0715 / (937)299-8012

This song contains much of the above doctrine, set to an inspiring tune. (7131 bytes)

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