Scott Hinson's Speaker Projects Page:

This page is devoted to a more detailed description of the speaker projects that I've completed or currently working on. (Chronological Order)

Project #1

The first project worthy of mentioning is a motional feedback subwoofer system I built as a senior project in E.E. last year. I used a JBL 122d as the sub and the AF-2 kit from Mark V Electronics as the amp. I don't think the kit is that great for the price. Right now the amp is dead, the output section blew a few transistors. I'm going to replace it by one of the BK Electronics modules offered by Old Colony Sound Lab. I think they are a great deal for the price. I can't say too much more about this because I'm trying to get the next version of the system published somewhere, and I don't want to give out my ideas. Sorry.

Project #2

Small Car Sub

This is a small car sub that I built to fit behind the seat of my 1993 Ford F-150 truck. Truck owners everywhere know how hard it is to fit a sub back there. Luckily, I figured out how. It's cheap ~$30, easy and fast to build...and it can rattle the rear view mirror. I'm currently using it with an inexpensive Profile 35X2 amp, with very nice results.

Project #3

Servo Sub System, part two. I've re-thought the system above in the months since graduating. Currently, I'm going to use to Seas CA25RE4X drivers. They have a relatively long throw, and are high quality cast frame drivers. They are about $65 each from Madisound. Again, not much on this one because I'm trying to publish a paper on the idea.

Project #4

Full range tower system. This is going to be a 3 way system using a Peerles 10" woofer, either a Focal or Audax midrange, and most likely a Seas 27TFFC tweeter. It's going to have a side firing sub, ala the NHT 3.3 and 2.9, and most likely a composit 3'rd and 2'nd order crossover.

Update 5-10-98:

I've ordered and have a pair of Seas 27TFFC tweeters. They are pretty nice considering the price. The frequency response is not as smooth as the 27TFF, but the lower resonant frequency should allow a lower crossover point.

Monday I should be recieving a pair of Audax HM170Z0's from Zalytron.

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