de mercurio

chapel de mer

Hey!! believe what you read

Things Goin On

My experience of Chapel Perilous was a direct result of Robert Anton Wilson's book the Cosmic Trigger.This was followed by a series of coincidences that at first tested one's notion of "reality" and how one "collects" the thoughts that frame our reality tunnel. Then, without warning sent me headlong thru the gaping doors of Chapel Perilous (ready or not here you come). In regards to Chapel Perilous I believe this event (epiphany) or growthstage is a natural part of evolution and follows an eternal (archetypical) pattern. Now, in saying that....I mean......EVERYONE'S gonna do it....there ain't no exemption to redemption. No one gets off lightly.....Death, I'am afraid ain't no escape route. Its part of the process. Some beings interfere with this function, at their own peril....EVOLUTION is one mean mutha (when it wants to be, its sort of sado-masochistic that way). I just said evolution but the "architect" call it what you may....goes by a billion names, yes, even yours.

The Name that can be Named is not the......THE UNAMABLE .......What was the name of anything before man came."

"Tao teh King"-Lao Tzu

So naturally we are working on absract levels of thought here and these thoughts tend to be subjective to one's own experience. Not unlike how we all relate in a discussion on philosophy, or religion, 20th century physics...or in discussing who is the best...artist, author, actor, racehorse, chinese restaurant, etc....and, this is the horrible shock that awaits us in Chapel realise the flimsy framework of ones own belief system how subjective to yourself every belief and credo you ever have donned has been. Its hard to see the wood thru trees when our senses are ego infected. You have to come to terms with the possibility as R.A.Wilson puts it "that everything we know is wrong".

bing bang.firegod.thundergodsacrificedgod

A 20th Century Deity named Bingbang


Things You Can Take


Ruff Ruff

Sometimes when its dark in the night we get up and walk around half asleep and make it to the kitchen, toilet or whatever without falling over. We use our intuition regularly, and like knowledge (and everything) it evolves, grows and gets reinforced. Working on these abstract levels of thought like an artist or musician would requires a flexibility of thought, the ability to change thought models and using a business term, seek "best practice". To know, find and take the best practices on board your mental ediface, requires, intuition and logic. But once entering Chapel Perilous, quite often, but not always, the better indicator in any decision making is Intuition, thus the "wand of intuition" is an essential item for your personage...and the biggest mistake we make is in forgetting we have this with us and don't use it. The wand is our divining tool and I suppose it is another way of saying that it is our "early radar warning system" as per R.A.W!!!....Nothing is by chance.....Coincidence is the tip of an iceberg....Sometimes the way to go in a given situation is given to us in an obvious or obscure signal from the universe. This may come in the form of a repetitive word that we may encounter all of a sudden,....... or a song that we hear that answers our previous doubt,..... a TV show that provides allegory to your cuurent crisis,..... a film or book that sums up our life at this moment,.....or a chance meeting with a stranger.... these events seem to make our antenae go up. We can either affirm or deny the information given to us. The feeling of deja vu or a moment of signfiicance lets us know that we are still in Chapel Perilous, even when you think you left the place behind you. Whats worse we can get false signals that same to be some sort of path to destiny but end up cul de sacs.....aaaaarrrrr...... lucky we have the pentacle of valour. 



The way to go about avoiding the peril of "egocentricity" in Chapel Perilous is symbolically, the "cup of sympathy", which is probably better termed EMPATHY. This gift is the key to uniting oneself with all around them in our universe , our world, its people and its events......we relate the "inside to the outside." The empathy trip is our surest way of "seeing" things from a strategic, methodical, unpolluted perspective that can be decisive and clear from the fetters of our own egocentric view. The evolutionary process or to put it in a religious framework "to work with God's Plan" is the best approached through the empathy trip. In eastern faiths, especially in buddhism thought, there are many doctrines and practices in "quelling " the ego or bringing "it"under control. Eastern tradition has rigid disciplines to temper the student before attaining transformation of consciousness. In western traditions the onus is on transformation of our "ego" by any means possible, really. This includes ritual, collective ritual, the use of drugs and alcohol (yea!! mann).

Empathy, lets say it in human terms gives a sense of connectedness to the "whole". In action it is a natural process that takes place, In every event that lines up for interest or "springs" upon us we act accordingly, appropriately etc. If the event dont leave a sour taste in ya mouth, well you've probably "tuned" the situation. Its only without "our" ego that we can act for, or help anyone else. The cup in many cultures and including a famous last supper was a way of testifying to ones "honour" of word and action. Though not a practicing christian, the significance of the "last supper" symbolically is very powerful. In this, the character Jesus goes on the greatest empathy trip of all....humanity and god are the same thing......and the man born Jesus is to transform into "that"..... but the sacrifice is to let go of his individuality (which is the illusion). A balancing act between assertion and humility is required when approaching how we should practice our empathetic skills in our day to day lives when interacting with others ......mmm such a touchy feely thing, but you'll work it out.



sshhh/...Its Duck Season!

To get across the subtle little pitfalls of someone walking the "path", we have normally built a new framework of thinking and a new outward attitude (born again...maybe). This can, if certain ingredients are in imbalance (and yes it is as tenuous as that) lead to paranoia and grandiose visions of power or overt piety. Now we have given the mind a bit of hard time in some of the previous passages, but now that we have got our wand and cup we can get our sword back. When "insight" comes and we are filled with joy and sorrow and concern. And when people don't understand us anymore as they are operating in the old conditions that we have left behind. Just before we think we can save the world,....join a commune or monkhood,....flagelate ourself for 5 years, to our own universal spiritual entity, angel or alien guide,...or walk on hotcoals....or commit mass suicide with all our friends and catch a spaceship home.....***** ...BEFORE we do anything of these things, we better get our sword out and beat our ego's to a pulp, hahaha...just joking of course. Use the mind to reason the original purpose (as they say here in Big Business "Remember the Mission Statement") a bit of revision is required. This is a unifying fuzzy warm thing......and now we want to divide it all up and make different parts of the universe more important than other parts...t t t t t. Hey, use that "sword of reason" and sever that resurrecting individual ego concept .....returning asyouwouldo if you were one those egoey things again. The mind keeps our emotions on the path . The mind is a two fold sword, it can be blinkered to keep our thoughts straight but this can make us dogmatic. If we use the mind to reason our emotions when we go off track emotionally then we can be objective and decisive when crisis' occur. Of course there is danger in reasoning to much. Don't forget , its about balance.........As you will see, in the treatise on mind in another part of this website....we have a choice on how to use our "head", either we can divide the world up into little pieces, dividing, dividing, or use our mind to link it all up and "melt" it together (networking). Remember!!!!....WE are thinking for the universe now and we are really thinkin for ourelves, and got no time for anything that doesn't unify or create love.*****...... Anyway... the "sword of reason" is there for when those stars get in our eyes...and remember when we're blinded by the light we probably need someone else to come along and tell us that we are......



Welcome Strangers to the Show

On entering Chapel Perilous, one at first senses all sorts of emotions euphoria and depression, pride and regret, praising and damning ourselves, fondness and embarassment of memories, a sense of conspiracy, a sense of being singled out. Thats why we need all these tools. Questions get asked like,..How long has this been going on???....Why me??? Who else??? Why wasn't I informed of this before I became a Bank Manager?....A real sense of being ripped off or blessed can hit us and we ask who is responsible for all the destiny?...well, here we need the "pentacle of valour" cos at first, if we haven't got the "good" god and "bad" devil concept outta of your system and that yin yang thing under control, o well, we're gonna need all the valour we can muster. Cos eventually we gotta come to the conclusion that god is a woman, or a transvestite, or a brutal madman, a schizophrienic practical joker, someone who changes their mind regularly, a hydrogen atom or a neutron in beta decay (shit, their we go bein a transvestite again)......thats if we are thinking on those wobbly frameworks. Valour is required in burning the edifaces we have built in our minds even after building them for decades. To have internal integrity (stuff the external integrity, anyone can be conned) with oneself takes valour, we need valour to be humble about breakthroughs and the 'errors' that led to our success,....valour, to acknowledge when others have helped us on our path, even when we weren't asking (allejulia Mr.Wilson),....valour, to love everyone we meet (yes, even George Costanza), .....and valour, to face ETERNITY accountable and responsible in the ongoing evolution (maintenance) of nothingness.......and not to want to run back to a life of innocence as the "fool" where protected by our ignorance, we can live in complaining bliss, to wonder in awe and bewilderment at our "fishbowl'.......And... I being a fool....say...."Its best to be a fool who knows both."

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