
"Naught loves another as itself,

Nor venerates another so,

Nor is it possible to Thought

a greater than itself to know."

a little of "A Little Boy Lost"


change is the only thing that is permanent

The word for the nineties was there a connection between mind and attitude? Attitude is more about the way we feel about things, and that is coloured by all sorts of life experience and evolved beliefs. Attitude is also something we project to other people. Another type of "attitude" combines our inner feelings with how we think. Now, having control over these, it's possible to project one "attitude" and inwardly feel another. We can pretend or act, we can put up curtains between us and the world, personality can consist of layers.

Terminology is important here and psychologists have termed and diagramised (as abstract as these things are) the connections of the inner and outer self, with all these divisions it’s easy to see why psychologists believe in schizophrenia and why there are so many cases, then their doin the diagnosin. Anyway its seems to make sense, remember divide and unify.

Personality\ Psyche \Ego

Outward Attitude\ Mental Attitude \Inner Attitude

Me\Myself\ I

How I like Others to see me\How I see Me\ How I feel About me

Personality\ Mind \Attitude.

We may assume for the sake of a better terminology (and please attack this argument) that the "mind" resides in the head and "attitude" resides in the heart. These two functions colour each other and reciprocate energies. I leave it to the reader on discriminating the potencies and priority of each! heh (if anyone wants to know where the personality resides, its in the mirror and that clear pool where Adonis took self esteem a little too far).

As stated before assigning opposites can be arbitrary. So is an exercise like this and indeed its taken until this century for any ordered analysis to occur or to assign any vernacular to the subject in the field of psychology. Major debates occur just on terminology, on where one category begins and another ends. Here we have our discriminating mind at its best to extract the variations.

Mind can be seen as the transmitter and mediator between our inner and outer self. At certain times it is looking "down" (materialistic) or sometimes looking "up" (spiritual)

The relationship between mind and attitude can be seen in action as reciprocating energies that cannot function in harmony without each other.

You say potata, I say patata

You say tomata, I say tamata

Potata, Patata, Tomata, Tamata

Lets Call the Whole Thing Off

The point to be made is that mind and attitude (or psyche and ego) are two interacting parts of ourselves. Yes, not unlike hand /eye co-ordination.....this brings in the idea of balance or harmony......haha and also their opposites.

The result of the interaction of mind and attitude is the personality and if there is severe imbalance then it is reflected in the personality. If the outer persona is not true to the inner ego due to the ignorant use (or in most cases not using) of our mind, then we come into conflict within ourselves.


"Don’t Mess with Mr. In Between"

Our attitude (ego) can close or open our mind, or it has the capacity to help us decide if we are going to divide or unify the world with our "brain". Likewise in the reverse, certain mental ideals and life experience (denied and accepted) can engender our attitude. Racism and all discriminations are normally mental attitudes. Yet, if a persons life was saved by their racial foe their attitude would change? (you would hope).

The flow between these two parts of ourselves head and heart (chakra's, energy centres, biorythms etc etc) can be subtle or gross. So subtle, to the point of not being able to discern their interplay (denial). So gross, as to bring on neurosis and schizophrenia.

Therein lies the danger in all this associating of ourselves with being a Mind or an Attitude. Hey! these are functional, they are like two arms, it would be unwise to say that you were the arms only, in a body of many parts, now wouldn’t it?............ we have created a schism we need some link to that joins and unifies them. Mind and Attitude, married like husband and wife?....and that is normally bonded by a Crazy little thing called LOVE. ( if this ever happens it also reflected in the personality and it soon becomes pretty obvious to everyone!).

The behaviour of love in our relationships is of the same pattern of as the love "within" ourselves, mind and attitude are to be reconciled. How often have you heard......... my heart says yes, my head says no. "You" are the mediator, Mind and Attitude are your Adam and Eve.

"Learning to love yourself, Is the greatest love of all"

From a song I heard on the radio once or twice or....

Alias Ferdinand Marcos-The Actors dictum

Life is my Balaclava, Death my Getaway Car. 

Ode to A Particle Accelerator 

(or The irony of Xerxes, Atilla., Saladin, Napoleon, Adolf,Josef and Nurse Ratchet)

The only time this world will unite

Is when I try to smash it to pieces.


Interviewer: Do you think sex is dirty? Woody Allen: Only if you are doing right.


If you were the only being in the Universe

Whose Advice would you take.


join us ...join ush.. 

Some Attitudes or Credo’ remember or not

Choose wisely !................the old Knight in Indiana Jones and the Holy Grail.

A modern man meets a modern woman.

The man says,"I’ve just found my feminine side"

The woman says,"I’ve just my found masculine side"

A Rabbi, overhearing says " the four of you should go out to dinner then"


I had a dream that i was talkin to GOD on the telephone, or maybe it was just one of those pleasant ladies on 013....Anyway i said "howabout comin down and payin us a visit".

"Ha, no way man.... you know ....I would only let that Moses dude see me from the back...and Ezekiel as a helicopter...... and Son of Sam as a talking dog...and your such an insignificant little F%#@ that the phone will have to do, and since my agent Elvis is on vacation.......anyways you bastards crucified me last I time I popped in"................"What is it?"

"Well", i was a bit stunned "..well...ummm..well....ahhh...i wanted to ask you about these twos and fours that pop up every would have heard.......someone would have said.....or sorry!!! you would be aware of this constant pattern that seems to be in everything. The yin/yang thing that i talked about before, cycles and the number four ...come on give me a clue how its done.

A thundering male voice replied "Who is it that darkens my counsel with words that are without sorry I thought you were an old Job I once done...ok...sorry just this unconscious reaction I have when I get challenged...heh...heh......anyways thats easy, there is no two or fours created them yourself just by casting your mind on them, there is only....... ONE and thats..... I .....the others are just variances of me, they are my degrees,... now get your little mind out of duality and...and... shoot straight you bastard...all for one and one for all...and all that stuff!!!!!...get me?"

This candid outpouring of wisdom was overwhelming.... until a female voice could be heard somewhere in the background " Thadeus..... come on your dinners on the table,...and... I don't want to have to tell you again"

"ok....bye....well, heh ..heh".......CLICK!

totally confused.....My only thoughts and consolation took Maxwell Smart 50 episodes or more to find out the chief's first name.


Just how many doors did Max have to make it through,

before he could get into Control?

If it wasn’t for Seigfried and Kaos

....Would there be a need for Control and Hymie?

Counter-Hey comeback now ya here


Chapel De Mer


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