[aset and asar][ I ]

[asar statue]

ASAR - The King.  Asar appears to me as a very impressive man, roughly 35 to 37 years of age, with such an incredible presence, one knows immediately why He is King.  Golden brown hair down to his shoulders.  Very broad strong shoulders and chest...with muscular arms.  I am still very much in awe of Him, even though He has shown me His wonderful sense of humor.  There is still that certain "regal air" about Him, everytime He visits.

[ B ]

Asar has told me the Netjer do not want to be worshipped.........only loved and honored.  I don't know if He used these words because of how I personally feel about the word "worship" in context with the blind obedience and dogma of other religions who say they "worship" their God....  I only know I do not worship the Netjer, but I do love Them all dearly and try to honor Them in all I do.

[lotus line]

[ B ]

ASET - The Queen, Mother of Mysteries and Magick.  Yes, She is this, but to me, She is the velvety gentle touch when I am depressed or in tears.  Her hugs are so a breeze that just touches your skin.  So much love radiates from Aset; She is truly The Queen with a heart full of love.

I have come to know Aset more in the last few months, but still have much to learn about Her.  She has told me not to worry, She is very patient and can wait until I am comfortable enough.  I am so glad.  As with Asar, I am a little in awe of Her.

Aset appears to me as a very beautiful petite woman, clothed in pale blue and gold. Large violet eyes that spill forth love and compassion.

I have a beautiful peacock fan I use when I want to "talk" with Aset. She has told me to place the fan under my pillow at night so She can talk to me in my dreams.

On Yule, 1998, Aset asked me to serve Her as Her Priestess. I am overjoyed, and yet scared to death! I asked Her "Why me? You have so many Priestesses all over the world. What can I do?" She replied, "You have a gift and I will teach you how to use it." I don't know what "gift" I have, but I also do not doubt She will teach me *g*. So please, those of you who have been Chosen by Aset, email me. I have so much to learn about Her!

[winged aset]

[lotus line]

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Background and some buttons courtesy of: Jaguarwoman

The midi is entitled "My Lovers Kiss"
Original music composed by Tom Williams III,� Copyright � 1996-98 Dreamsharer Music, Ltd.
Used with permission.

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