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The Ork In Black
Gaming Logo

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Orks have to have fun too, y'know. Seize life by the throat and all that. This page won't explain roleplaying games or anything like that, but it'll give you some views and pointers.

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What I Play

Earthdawn Logo Earthdawn is what sword and sorcery games were meant to be. High fantasy in the finest tradition. The course of the world can be changed by a few staunch heroes in the right time at the right place. Complex politics allow for intrigue in a grand style.

Shadowrun Logo Elves with guns, dwarven computer hackers, ork street samurai, troll mercenaries, riggers who jack into their vehicles, and corporate mages. What more could you ask for? Besides a Really Big Gun and a Quickened Personal Antispell Barrier, that is...

MERPS Link MERPS, the Middle Earth Roleplaying System, from the same fine folks at Iron Crown who brought you Rolemaster. If you know Tolkein, you know what this is about. If you haven't read LotR, I'm not gonna explain it.

Blue Planet Link The best hard science fiction game to come out in the last ten years, this has real marine biology, a well-done extrapolated future, and damn little in the way of fudge factors. The combat system is a little clunky, but the depth and believability of the gameworld more than makes up for it.
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Who I Write For

For a complete bibliography, click here.
Freedonian Aeronautics and Space Administration Makers of Earthdawn, Shadowrun and Battletech. Generally good folks who make some damn fine gaming systems. Credits include Deep Trouble for Throal Adventures, a few of the articles in Legends of Earthdawn 2: The Book of Exploration, and some bits in proposal for Barsaive at War, as well as lots of stuff for Earthdawn Journal and a couple of pieces in Shadowland.

Da'akfal Logo The first major release for Fractal Dimensions' SORD, Da'akfal is a gameworld with very limited resources, a tribal culture, and conflicting theocracies. Recommended for the mature roleplayer, as this is not hack'n'slash. I'm working on a campaign sourcebook (Lost Knowledge) that involves a missing scholar, an ancient artifact, and academic politics.

Mage: The Ascension Put out by White Wolf Game Studio, Mage is a game of conflicting ideologies and views, where magic is determined by how you see the world and where disagreements over the future of humanity drive the war. I wrote the Kopa Loei for The Book of Crafts. Did another piece but something weird happened and nobody ever explained it to me.
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