Bubba'll Take Ya Home
The Ork In Black
Bibliography Logo

What I've Written

This page represents everything I've had published in the gaming industry, that I've gotten paid for. Unpaid works, uncredited materials and web publications are not listed, as I do not count them toward my professional output.

Total Verbage Overall: 118,760

Earthdawn Logo Earthdawn is what sword and sorcery games were meant to be. High fantasy in the finest tradition. The course of the world can be changed by a few staunch heroes in the right time at the right place. Complex politics allow for intrigue in a grand style. 
Earthdawn is copyright and a trademark of FASA Corporation, and is used here noncompetitively to refer to their rolegaming system.
Total Verbage:
Total Critters:
Horrors CoverQural Lo'tectica 
1176 words 
A Horror construct that originally appeared in Earthdawn Journal #2. Very nasty critter, not something you ever want to run into.

Book of Exploration CoverThe Fountain Parchment 
An Ancient Mystery  
Island of Fear 
4500 words 
These are basically short-short stories with plot hooks for further gaming, and a separate rules section in the back of the book for the GM. My favorite remains the Dreaded Tiki Horror.

Throal Adventures CoverDeep Trouble 
8000 words 
Spelunking, dwarf politics, and a curse of darkness on a city not yet open for settlers plus a rival team of adepts put the player characters into some nasty situations, not all of which can be resolved with swordplay.

Earthdawn Journal #1 CoverArdatha 
8526 words 
A city that was deliberately built to be a trading point, at a strategic location where two rivers join. Some politics, some intrigue, some plot hooks, the usual stuff. As the magazine is out of print, the article is available on the magazine's web site. 
Children of Jaspree 
2119 words 
Several new creatures including the Ufghant, Kygren, Spoogra, and Kyrell. As the magazine is out of print, the article is available on the magazine's web site. 

Earthdawn Journal #2 CoverChildren of Jaspree 
3375 words 
New creatures including the Diva Bird, Tigathna, Thunder Tree, and Qural. As the magazine is out of print, the article is available on the magazine's web site. 
4844 words 
A town deep in the Servos Jungle, a hangout for pirates and mercenaries and worse, much to the consternation of the townsfolk. As the magazine is out of print, the article is available on the magazine's web site. 

Earthdawn Journal #3 CoverAnghali G'Hosteren 
6185 words 
A Dinganni tent city in southwestern Barsaive, a major trading point and a hotbed of intrigue. As the magazine is out of print, the article is available on the magazine's web site. 

Earthdawn Journal #4 CoverConcerning The Weather of Barsaive 
2446 words 
A discourse on the weather (or lack thereof) in Barsaive 
Children of Jaspree 
4866 words 
More creatures, including the jidwar, pencarrig, tabri, turfcutter beetle, vofoq, jacoti and ntelok

Earthdawn Journal #5 CoverUseful Magical Items 
744 words 
More common magic items to blow your money on 
The Floating Kaer 
627 words 
A legend for Earthdawn, aboard an airborne kaer 
Children of Jaspree 
3934 words 
Storm Spirit, Kwaltec, Tonduy, Walking Heads 

Earthdawn Journal #6 CoverCookery of Barsaive 
1834 words 
A collection of recipes for Barsaivian food. Tested and player approved. 
Children of Jaspree 
2259 words 
More new creatures, including the Gelteckin, Floating Heads, Vuljecn, and Azontu 
The Stolen Sword 
1205 words 
A legend from Iopos, involving the theft of a Pattern item from one of the nobility 

Earthdawn Journal #7 CoverTesrae Ti'Serenmistishsa 
16,961 words 
Citadel of the True Followers, a city of orthodox elves laid out and managed according to elven spiritual and philosophical beliefs. Easy to get into trouble there, as there's two police forces, one secular and one spiritual.

Earthdawn Journal #8 CoverChildren of Jaspree 
6583 words 
A collection of critters, including the ojovi, linfait, tepnidhu, edex, gudrisn, p'zoul, and oxetat

Earthdawn Journal #9 CoverSwamp Creatures 
3561 words 
Unpleasant Animal Encounters for the Mist Swamps, including the himme'oy, qelodo, gotampeuy and fisher wasps 
The Grimoire 
682 words 
New spells, including Bridge of Light, Dazzling Cloud, Enigmatic Eye, Icewall and Spirit Blade 
I also edited this issue. Would have edited Issue #10 but the publisher went out of business after I'd already sent in the interior proofs.

Shadowrun Logo Elves with guns, dwarven computer hackers, ork street samurai, troll mercenaries, riggers who jack into their vehicles, and corporate mages. What more could you ask for? Besides a Really Big Gun and a Quickened Personal Antispell Barrier, that is... 
Shadowrun is copyright and a trademark of FASA Corporation, and is used here noncompetitively to refer to their rolegaming system.
Total Verbage:
Shadowland Issue #1 CoverNissan Stallion 
154 words 
A high-powered street bike that tends to attract a lot of attention, not all of it wanted. 
1563 words 
Power armor for Shadowrun 
MAO Inhibitors 
721 words 
Drugs that keep your adrenal boosters from getting flatlined by that secguard with the Ares Squirt loaded with DMSO/MAO. 
Cop Gear 
1488 words 
Why it is that the officer knows what you're carrying from across the street. 
The General Store 
3632 words 
New decking utilities, a decker's hangout and a legendary decker all in one place. 

Shadowland Issue #2 CoverMcKissack's Chameleon 
250 words 
Not all paranimal threats are big nasty eat-your-head type critters. Fast and sneaky can be just as annoying. 

Shadowland Issue #4 CoverVatjob 
18,525 words 
A street-level run for starting characters, set in the Davidsford Sprawl, what used to be known as Nashville, Tennessee. Designed for a mixed group of low resources. Played as a tournament module at Gamicon. 

Da'akfal Logo The first major release for Fractal Dimensions' SORD, Da'akfal is a gameworld with very limited resources, a tribal culture, and conflicting theocracies. Recommended for the mature roleplayer, as this is not hack'n'slash. 
SORD and Da'akfal are copyright and trademarked by Fractal Dimensions, and are used here noncompetitively to refer to their rolegaming system.
Total Verbage:
Lost Knowledge 
28,000 words and still growing (it's a campaign sourcebook, whaddaya want?) 
The usual sort of adventure I write, a main plot and several complicated subplots that involve a missing scholar, an ancient artifact, and academic politics. Stuff you can't hack your way through, that requires serious roleplaying to get anything accomplished.

Mage: The Ascension Put out by White Wolf Game Studio, Mage is a game of conflicting ideologies and views, where magic is determined by how you see the world and where disagreements over the future of humanity drive the war. Subvert the dominant paradigm. 
Mage: The Ascension is copyright and a trademark of White Wolf Game Studio, and is used here noncompetitively to refer to their rolegaming system.
Total Verbage:
Kopa Loei 
8000 words 
Polynesian magical traditions rendered into Mage: The Ascension terms, the Kopa Loei are a Craft, not making much of a distinction between a Hedge Wizard and a True Mage. Their magic is strongly based on their religion and cultural tabus, dividing up more by social function than by Sphere.

Cover art and logos used on this page are copyright by the game companies whose headings they appear under, and are used noncompetitively to advertise the products represented. Any questions regarding the use of this artwork should be addressed to Disturbance, [email protected].

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