After Project Blue Book was terminated a fourth and perhaps the most disturbing Close Encounter was discovered. Alien Abductions !
Below are some of the many disturbing cases. Warning! This Content is not Suitable for all Viewers.

Close Enounters of the Fourth Kind:

Love at Fourth Encounter
It's Always the Big One that gets Away.
The Barney and Betty Hill Encounter
Jane Lead's Dreamworld Abduction
NOVA's excellent site on Alien Abductions.

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A Hair Raising Close Encounter

Carlos Alberto Diaz Close Encounter

By: Heather N. Gibson

Twenty-eight year old waiter Carlos Alberto Diaz left work at predawn on the morning of January 5, 1975. He worked in the small town of Ingeniero White, Argentina. He was walking home and decided to take a short cut through an abandoned railroad yard. He saw an extremely bright, "broken" beam of light. Carlos assumed the light was lightning. The light was so bright it left him temporarily blinded.

When his sight returned he was unable to move. He could hear a pertinacious "hum." He felt himself being "drawn and absorbed upwards" by what he described as the " windy humming of he beam." He fainted.

When he came to he was inside a smooth shiny unfurnished "sphere." The room was about 8 feet wide and 10 feet high. Three humanoid beings "slide" into the room. Diaz described the entities as totally hairless. Their heads were half the size of ours. Their faces were featureless and their skin was rubbery "moss green." Their arms were stumpy and instead of hands they had suckers. They were about five feet seven inches tall and their slim bodies were covered in a cream colored "rubber" like clothing.

The aliens began removing clumps of his long hair with their suction like hands. While performing the hair removal the aliens would jump up and down as if wrapped up in joy. When the aliens began removing tufts of hair from his chest he fainted again.

Many hours later Diaz woke up in the bright morning sunlight. The bag he had been carrying was lying in the grass beside him. Diaz checked his watch and realized it had stopped at 3:50 am. He became nauseous and began to vomit.

At seven a.m. a motorist came to his aid and drove him 30 miles to a hospital in Buenos Aires (350 miles from his hometown). He recounted his tale of abduction to numerous doctors, specialist, and several police investigator. Each time he told his story , he never wavered.

Diaz's medical examination concluded that some of his hair had been "sheared off" but most of it had been extracted by the roots, leaving the surrounding capillary tissue completely clean. There is no explanation for this. One theory is that the aliens created enough suction to dilate the capillary bulbs around the roots so that the individual hairs would come out smoothly.

Other that the missing hair and nausea Diaz suffered no other ill-effects.

So much of this Close Encounter remains a Fascinating Mystery.

Source: Mysteries of the Unexplained pp.235
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