After Project Blue Book was terminated a fourth and perhaps the most disturbing Close Encounter was discovered. Alien Abductions !
Below are some of the many disturbing cases. Warning! This Content is not Suitable for all Viewers.

Close Enounters of the Fourth Kind:

A Hair Raising Close Encounter
It's Always the Big One that gets Away.
The Barney and Betty Hill Encounter
Jane Lead's Dreamworld Abduction
NOVA's excellent web site on Alien Abductions.

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Love at Fourth Encounter

In October of 1957, Antonio Villas-Boas felt like he was being watched by a bright light. The light appeared outside of his window the night of the 5th. Nine days later, on the night of the 14th, while Antonio and his brother Jao were plowing a field the light appeared again. Antonio tried to approach the light but a game of cat and mouse ensued and then the light vanished.

The next evening the 23 yr. old farmer, Antonio was alone. He was plowing by the lights of his tractor. At 1am the light re-appeared. It began as a red point of light. It grew into a well lite egg-shaped object. It stopped and hovered above Antonio. Then the craft began to land. Antonio tried to drive away on his tractor, but the engine stopped and would not re-ignite.He jumped off of the tractor and tried to run, but was grabbed and taken on board the ship.

He describes the craft as rounded and full of puplish lights. The object had one large red headlight. On top of the vessel was something that rotated at an immense speed.It glowed red while in flight and turned green when it slowed to land.

The creature that grabbed Antonio was small in stature and didn't appear to be to physically strong. Antonio shoved the being and it fell to the ground. Once again he tried to run but three other creatures surrounded him, picked him up off of the ground and carried onboard their ship.

Once inside the machine. I noticed that we were standing in a small square room. Its polished metal walls were bright with the reflection of fluorescent light coming from the metal ceiling and shining from the many little square lamps fitted into the border where the walls met and circling it entirely.

The creatues took Antonio into another room, and then began to communicate with each other. He compared the sounds they made to dogs growling. He felt this was not an accurate comparison, but the best he could make. He said there was absolutly nothing recognizable in their speech.

Villas-Boas described their clothing as form fitting and completly covering their bodies. They wore helmets that hid all of their faces, except for their eyes. These were protected by round lenses. Their eyes appeared to be smaller than ours and blue.

After the Aliens concluded their discussion, they grabbed Antonio and took his clothes off. During this whole ordeal they didn't try to sedate, Antonio in any way.He tried to fight but was overpowered. They something like a sponge wet with liquid and rubed it all over his body. The liquid was cold when wet but soothing when dry.

They moved him into another room and drew a blood sample from his chin. They left Antonio alone in the room. He began to notice an odd odor. The smell was eminating from tiny tubes in the wall. The smell was so distgusting it made Antonio sick.

The CIA was
concerned that UFOs
threatened National Security.
After what seemed like an enternity, the door opened and a bueatiful, naked woman walked into the room.

Her hair was blond, nearly white, like hair dyed in peroxide, it was smooth, not very thick, with a part in the center and she had big blue eyes, rather long than round, for they slanted outward, like those pencil-drawn girls make to look like Arabian princesses, that look as if they were slit. That was what they were like, except that they were natural; there was no make-up. Her nose was straight, not pointed, nor turned-up,nor too big. The contour of her face was different, though, because she had very high, prominent cheekbones that made her face look very wide, wider than that of an Indio native. Underneath her cheekbones her face narrowed to a peak, so that all of a sudden it ended in a pointed chin, which gave the lower part of her face a very pointed look. Her lips were very thin, nearly invisible in fact. Her ears, which I only saw later, were small and did not seam any different from ordinary ears. Her high cheekbones gave one the impression that there was a broken bone somewhere underneath, but as I discovered later, they were soft and fleshy to the touch, so they did not seem to be made of bone. Her body was much more beautiful that any I have ever seen before. It was slim, and her breasts stood up high and well separated. Her waistline was thin, her belly flat, her hips well developed, and her thighs were large. her feet were small, her hands long and narrow. her fingers and nails were normal. She was much shorter than I am, her head only reaching my shoulder. Her skin was white, as that of our fair women here, and she was full of freckles on her arms.

The woman walked over to Antonio and began to seduce him. They had intercourse twice, then seperated. As the woman left the room she pointed at her belly and seemed to smile. She then pointed to the sky, southward. Antonio was afraid she intended to take him with her.

She left the room and a man entered with Antonio's clothes. The creature then took Antonio on a tour of the vessel. He describes the vessel in great detail. He was especially amazing by the "dish-shaped cupola" that whizzed overhead. He likened the sound it made to that of a vaccuum cleaner. After his tour he was shown the way out and the craft left.

Four months later Antonio was examined by Dr. Olave Fontes, M.D. He described his encounter in great detail. Then Dr. Fontes physcially examined Antonio. The examination revealed two scars on Antonio's chin and several healed purplish lesions on various parts of his body. Dr. Fontes concluded Antonio might have a case of "radiation poisioning".

Was this a Close Encounter of the Fourth Kind? If so maybe they're not as bad as we fear. Are there aliens on another planet caring for a half-human, half-alien child? Did they need such a child to try and understand human nature and physque better? Or was this just a 23 year old farmer with delusions of granduear?

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