Extraterrestrail Beginning

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���������� ����������It is possible that life did not originate on the planet Earth, but on Mars. �There are many strange coincidences that I, along with numerous scientists, feel are not coincidences, but instead they were intended. �I will first talk about the so called "coincidences", and later I will tell you my theory of what may have happened.


The Simmilarities between Mars and Earth

���������� ����������The topic of simmilarities would have to start with the must astonishing similarity, Egypt. �Let me begin with the Sphinx, and the "face" on the Martian surface. �The two are so strikingly simmilar that saying "the face on Mars is just a trick of light and shadow" is just plain ignorant. �Take a look at the picture on the right of the screen. �Watch as it morphs back and forth between the face on Mars and the face of the Sphinx. �This cannot be a coincidence. �Either the Egyptians knew about the face on Mars (doubtful), or they were influenced in some way.

����������While we are on the subject of Egypt think about the Great Pyramid of Giza. �In a part of Mars that scientits have named Cydonia, there is a gigantic five-sided pyramid that resembles the Great Pyramid. �The pyramid and the face do not appear to be natural pheonomenon. �Perhaps one of the most incredable "coincdences" mentioned thus far, Cairo, an Egyptian city, means Mars. Is this just another of many coincidence? �I think not.

����������Is it possible that NASA is hiding information from the general public? �Perhaps they know about an ancient Martian civilization that died out or came to Earth. �All of this information is tied into Illuminati, a secret society that controls the world from behind the scenes. �They may be covering up facts that would otherwise prove there is life on Mars, or at least there was life on Mars thousands of years ago. �Has the Illuminati gained access to some knowledge acknowledging that life either originated on Mars, or existed on Mars at some point in time? �As everybody knows, Knowledge = Power. �They may be using some ancient technology that nobody of this age has ever even dreamed about. Is it possible?


One Theory..

���������� ����������Life originated on Mars thousands of years ago. �There was a civilization simmilar to that of Egypt's. �The people of Mars were very prosperous, and may have had some sort of space travel. �They worshipped their gods by building pyramids and other objects that appeared like monuments. �Either intentionally or unintentionally, life on Mars began and eternaly impacted life on Earth. Perhaps by a probe, or perhaps in some other significant way that we can not even begin to imagine, but what ever occured between these planets has changed our history, present day lives, and our future. �At that time Earth was simmilar to Mars in atmosphere and temperature, therefor, Mars kept a watchful eye on Earth as they awaited the beginning of an intelligent life form.

����������Unfortunately, some terrible event happened to Mars. Wether it was a meteor crashing into the planet, or something simmilar to the "green house effect", it was catastrophic. �The event forced some of the beings of Mars to flee to Earth, the others left behind were doomed to Mars' fate.

����������Due to their technology and scientific capabilities they had to stay separate from the developing human race, so they built a city on a island in the Atlantic Ocean. �That island became known as Atlantis. �When Plato told his students about Atlantis, thousands of years later, he said that there was never a civilization like it. �This may or may not prove that the Atlanteans were infact Extraterrestrials.

����������When man started to develope civilizations on Earth the people from Mars began to take interest in the on going events. �Eventually they made contact with the Egyptians and influenced them greatly. �When the island of Atlantis was destroyed the survivors were forced again from their home and became part of the population of Earth, specifically Egypt.


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